1.20.x installer.pages.inc installer_browser_page($type)

Page to display the projects.


$type: Type of project to view. Must be one of 'module', 'theme' or 'layout'.

Return value

Themed list of the projects.:


modules/installer/installer.pages.inc, line 16
Page callbacks used by the Installer browse pages.


function installer_browser_page($type) {
  backdrop_add_js(backdrop_get_path('module', 'installer') . '/js/installer.project_list.js');
  module_load_include('inc', 'installer', 'installer.browser');
  // Show a warning if no zip extension available, but allow to browse and
  // select to view available releases. Install blocked on select versions page.

  // Show link to enable page if recently installed modules were not yet
  // enabled.
  $recent_projects = installer_browser_get_installed_projects();
  foreach ($recent_projects as $project) {
    if ($project['type'] === 'module') {
      backdrop_set_message(t('You have recently installed modules. <a href="@url">Continue to the enable page.</a>', array('@url' => url('admin/installer/install/enable'))), 'status', FALSE);

  switch ($type) {
    case 'layout':
      backdrop_set_title(t('Install layouts'));
    case 'module':
      backdrop_set_title(t('Install modules'));
    case 'theme':
      backdrop_set_title(t('Install themes'));

  // Save needed filters to session.
  if (isset($_GET['repository'])) {
    $_SESSION['installer_browser_sever_filter'] = $_GET['repository'];
  if (isset($_GET['order'])) {
    $_SESSION['installer_browser_order_filter_' . $type] = $_GET['order'];
  if (isset($_GET['sort'])) {
    $_SESSION['installer_browser_sort_filter_' . $type] = $_GET['sort'];

  // Build the filters.
  $backdrop_version = explode('.', BACKDROP_CORE_COMPATIBILITY);
  $filters = array(
    'version' => $backdrop_version[0],
    'type' => $type,

  // Add filters.
  if (isset($_SESSION['installer_browser_text_filter_' . $type])) {
    $filters['text'] = $_SESSION['installer_browser_text_filter_' . $type];
  if (isset($_SESSION['installer_browser_order_filter_' . $type])) {
    $filters['order'] = $_SESSION['installer_browser_order_filter_' . $type];
  if (isset($_SESSION['installer_browser_sort_filter_' . $type])) {
    $filters['sort'] = $_SESSION['installer_browser_sort_filter_' . $type];

  // Get the projects to display here based on the filters.
  $results = installer_browser_fetch_results($filters);

  // Add defaults to prevent PHP errors if server is down.
  $results += array(
    'total' => 0,
    'projects' => array(),

  // Save the listed projects in the session so it can be used.
  $_SESSION['installer_browser_listed_projects'] = $results['projects'];

  // Add the pager.
  $total = $results['total'];
  $items_per_page = 20;
  $page = pager_default_initialize($total, $items_per_page);
  $offset = $items_per_page * $page;
  $start = ($total) ? $offset + 1 : 0;
  $finish = $offset + $items_per_page;
  if ($finish > $total) {
    $finish = $total;

  $list = array_slice($results['projects'], $offset, $items_per_page);

  $filter_form = backdrop_get_form('installer_browser_filters_form', $type);
  $sort_options = installer_browser_get_sort_options();
  $current_order = isset($_SESSION['installer_browser_order_filter_' . $type]) ? $_SESSION['installer_browser_order_filter_' . $type] : 'score';
  $current_sort = isset($_SESSION['installer_browser_sort_filter_' . $type]) ? $_SESSION['installer_browser_sort_filter_' . $type] : 'desc';

  $build = array();
  $build['content'] = array(
    'installer_browser_filter' => array(
      '#markup' => backdrop_render($filter_form),
      '#weight' => 0,
    'installer_browser_sort_header' => array(
      '#type' => 'item',
      '#weight' => 2,
      '#wrapper_attributes' => array('class' => array('installer-browser-sort')),
      '#markup' => installer_browser_get_sort_widget($sort_options, $current_order, $current_sort),
    'installer_browser_header' => array(
      '#type' => 'item',
      '#weight' => 5,
      '#wrapper_attributes' => array('class' => array('installer-browser-page-number')),
      '#markup' => t('Showing @start to @finish of @total.', array(
        '@start' => $start, '@finish' => $finish, '@total' => $total)),
    'installer_browser_list' => array(
      '#markup' => theme('installer_browser_list', array('projects_list' => $list, 'type' => $type)),
      '#weight' => 10,
    'pager' => array(
      '#theme' => 'pager',
      '#weight' => 99,

  return $build;