1.20.x installer.pages.inc installer_browser_get_sort_options($full = FALSE)

Returns a list of sort options.


$full: Set this to TRUE if you want to get all of the supported sort methods.

return array An array of all sort methods, keyed by method name, with each value an array with the following keys:

  • method: Same as the method name key.
  • label: Translated label for the method.
  • default_sort: The default sort for this method, either "desc" or "asc".


modules/installer/installer.pages.inc, line 945
Page callbacks used by the Installer browse pages.


function installer_browser_get_sort_options($full = FALSE) {
  $sort_options = array(
    'score' => array('method' => 'score', 'label' => t('Relevance'), 'default_sort' => 'desc'),
    'usage' => array('method' => 'usage', 'label' => t('Most installed'), 'default_sort' => 'desc'),
    'title' => array('method' => 'title', 'label' => t('Title'), 'default_sort' => 'asc'),
    'latest_release' => array('method' => 'latest_release', 'label' => t('Latest release'), 'default_sort' => 'desc'),

  if ($full) {
    $sort_options['type'] = array('method' => 'type', 'label' => t('Type'), 'default_sort' => 'asc');
    $sort_options['created'] = array('method' => 'created', 'label' => t('Date created'), 'default_sort' => 'asc');
    $sort_options['latest_activity'] = array('method' => 'latest_activity', 'label' => t('Latest build'), 'default_sort' => 'desc');

  return $sort_options;