1.20.x date.elements.inc date_combo_validate($element, &$form_state)

Validate and update a combo element.

Don't try this if there were errors before reaching this point.


modules/date/date.elements.inc, line 1570
Date forms and form themes and validation.


function date_combo_validate($element, &$form_state) {
  // Disabled and hidden elements won't have any input and don't need validation,
  // we just need to re-save the original values, from before they were processed into
  // widget arrays and timezone-adjusted.
  if (date_hidden_element($element) || !empty($element['#disabled'])) {
    form_set_value($element, $element['#date_items'], $form_state);

  $field_name = $element['#field_name'];
  $delta = $element['#delta'];

  // Related issue: https://drupal.org/node/2279831.
  if (!is_array($element['#field_parents'])) {
    $element['#field_parents'] = array();
  $form_values = backdrop_array_get_nested_value($form_state['values'], $element['#field_parents']);
  $form_input = backdrop_array_get_nested_value($form_state['input'], $element['#field_parents']);

  // If the whole field is empty and that's OK, stop now.
  if (empty($form_input[$field_name]) && !$element['#required']) {

  $item = backdrop_array_get_nested_value($form_state['values'], $element['#parents']);
  $posted = backdrop_array_get_nested_value($form_state['input'], $element['#parents']);

  $field = field_widget_field($element, $form_state);
  $instance = field_widget_instance($element, $form_state);

  $context = array(
    'field' => $field,
    'instance' => $instance,
    'item' => $item,

  backdrop_alter('date_combo_pre_validate', $element, $form_state, $context);

  $from_field = 'value';
  $to_field = 'value2';
  $tz_field = 'timezone';
  $offset_field = 'offset';
  $offset_field2 = 'offset2';

  // Check for empty 'Start date', which could either be an empty
  // value or an array of empty values, depending on the widget.
  $empty = TRUE;
  if (!empty($item[$from_field])) {
    if (!is_array($item[$from_field])) {
      $empty = FALSE;
    else {
      foreach ($item[$from_field] as $key => $value) {
        if (!empty($value)) {
          $empty = FALSE;

  // An 'End' date without a 'Start' date is a validation error.
  if ($empty && !empty($item[$to_field])) {
    if (!is_array($item[$to_field])) {
      form_error($element, t("A start date is required if an end date is supplied for field @field #@delta.", array('@delta' => $field['cardinality'] ? intval($delta + 1) : '', '@field' => $instance['label'])));
      $empty = FALSE;
    else {
      foreach ($item[$to_field] as $key => $value) {
        if (!empty($value)) {
          form_error($element, t("A start date is required if an end date is supplied for field @field #@delta.", array('@delta' => $field['cardinality'] ? intval($delta + 1) : '', '@field' => $instance['label'])));
          $empty = FALSE;

  // If the user chose the option to not show the end date, just swap in the
  // start date as that value so the start and end dates are the same.
  if ($field['settings']['todate'] == 'optional' && empty($item['show_todate'])) {
    $item[$to_field] = $item[$from_field];
    $posted[$to_field] = $posted[$from_field];

  if ($empty) {
    date_element_empty($element, $form_state);
    if (!$element['#required']) {

  $timezone = !empty($item[$tz_field]) ? $item[$tz_field] : $element['#date_timezone'];
  $timezone_db = date_get_timezone_db($field['settings']['tz_handling']);
  $element[$from_field]['#date_timezone'] = $timezone;
  $from_date = date_input_date($field, $instance, $element[$from_field], $posted[$from_field]);

  if (!empty($field['settings']['todate'])) {
    $element[$to_field]['#date_timezone'] = $timezone;
    $to_date = date_input_date($field, $instance, $element[$to_field], $posted[$to_field]);
  else {
    $to_date = $from_date;

  // Neither the start date nor the end date should be empty at this point
  // unless they held values that couldn't be evaluated.

  if (!$instance['required'] && (!date_is_date($from_date) || !date_is_date($to_date))) {
    date_element_empty($element, $form_state);
    $errors[] = t('The dates are invalid.');
  elseif (!empty($field['settings']['todate']) && $from_date > $to_date) {
    form_set_value($element[$to_field], $to_date, $form_state);
    $errors[] = t('The end date must be greater than the start date.');
  else {
    // Convert input dates back to their UTC values and re-format to ISO
    // or UNIX instead of the DATETIME format used in element processing.
    $item[$tz_field] = $timezone;

    // Update the context for changes in the $item, and allow other modules to
    // alter the computed local dates.
    $context['item'] = $item;
    // We can only pass two additional values to backdrop_alter, so $element
    // needs to be included in $context.
    $context['element'] = $element;
    backdrop_alter('date_combo_validate_date_start', $from_date, $form_state, $context);
    backdrop_alter('date_combo_validate_date_end', $to_date, $form_state, $context);

    $item[$offset_field] = date_offset_get($from_date);

    $test_from = date_format($from_date, 'r');
    $test_to = date_format($to_date, 'r');

    $item[$offset_field2] = date_offset_get($to_date);
    date_timezone_set($from_date, timezone_open($timezone_db));
    date_timezone_set($to_date, timezone_open($timezone_db));
    $item[$from_field] = date_format($from_date, date_type_format($field['type']));
    $item[$to_field] = date_format($to_date, date_type_format($field['type']));

    // If the db timezone is not the same as the display timezone
    // and we are using a date with time granularity,
    // test a roundtrip back to the original timezone to catch
    // invalid dates, like 2AM on the day that spring daylight savings
    // time begins in the US.
    $granularity = date_format_order($element[$from_field]['#date_format']);
    if ($timezone != $timezone_db && date_has_time($granularity)) {
      date_timezone_set($from_date, timezone_open($timezone));
      date_timezone_set($to_date, timezone_open($timezone));

      if ($test_from != date_format($from_date, 'r')) {
        $errors[] = t('The start date is invalid.');
      if ($test_to != date_format($to_date, 'r')) {
        $errors[] = t('The end date is invalid.');
    if (empty($errors)) {
      form_set_value($element, $item, $form_state);

  if (!empty($errors)) {
    if (count($errors) === 1) {
      $error_list = ' ' . reset($errors);
    else {
      $error_list = theme('item_list', array('items' => $errors));
    if ($field['cardinality']) {
      form_error($element, t('There are errors in @field_name value #@delta:', array('@field_name' => $instance['label'], '@delta' => $delta + 1)) . $error_list);
    else {
      form_error($element, t('There are errors in @field_name:', array('@field_name' => $instance['label'])) . $error_list);