1.20.x views.api.php hook_views_post_execute(&$view)

This hook is called right after the execute process. The query has been executed, but the pre_render() phase has not yet happened for handlers.

Adding output to the view can be accomplished by placing text on $view->attachment_before and $view->attachment_after. Altering the content can be achieved by editing the items of $view->result.


$view: The view object about to be processed.

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modules/views/views.api.php, line 788
Describe hooks provided by the Views module.


function hook_views_post_execute(&$view) {
  // If there are more than 100 results, show a message that encourages the user
  // to change the filter settings. This action could be performed later in the
  // execution process, but not earlier..
  if ($view->total_rows > 100) {
    backdrop_set_message(t('You have more than 100 hits. Use the filter settings to narrow down your list.'));