Note: this list is generated by looking for the string for this theme hook, so it may include some references that are not actually using this theme hook.

ajax_pre_render_element in includes/
Adds Ajax information about an element to communicate with JavaScript.
authorize_filetransfer_form_submit in includes/
Form submission handler for authorize_filetransfer_form().
backdrop_common_theme in includes/
Provides theme registration for themes across .inc files.
backdrop_settings_initialize in includes/
Sets the base URL, cookie domain, and session name from configuration.
BackdropWebTestCase::handleForm in modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case.php
Handle form input related to backdropPost(). Ensure that the specified fields exist and attempt to create POST data in the correct manner for the particular field type.
BootstrapOverrideServerVariablesTestCase::testBackdropSettingsOverride in modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test
Test that settings.php variables can be overridden by the server.
CommonBackdropRenderTestCase::testBackdropRenderFormElements in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Test rendering form elements without passing through form_builder().
DatabaseConnection_mysql::__construct in drivers/database_mysql/
DatabaseTasks::connect in includes/
Check if we can connect to the database.
DatabaseTasks::getFormOptions in includes/
Return driver specific configuration options.
FileTranferTest::setUp in modules/simpletest/tests/filetransfer.test
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
FileTransferFTP::factory in includes/filetransfer/
FileTransfer::getSettingsForm in includes/filetransfer/
Returns a form to collect connection settings credentials.
FileTransferSSH::factory in includes/filetransfer/
Classes that extend this class must override the factory() static method.
FormElementTestCase::testPlaceHolderText in modules/simpletest/tests/form.test
Tests placeholder text for elements that support placeholders.
form_process_password_confirm in includes/
Expand a password_confirm field into two text boxes.
FormsTestCase::testRequiredFields in modules/simpletest/tests/form.test
Check several empty values for required forms elements.
_form_test_disabled_elements in modules/simpletest/tests/form_test.module
Build a form to test disabled elements.
form_test_placeholder_test in modules/simpletest/tests/form_test.module
Builds a form to test the placeholder attribute.
_install_configure_form in includes/
Form constructor for a site configuration form.
install_settings_form_submit in includes/
Form submission handler for install_settings_form().
simpletest_settings_form in modules/simpletest/
Provides settings form for SimpleTest variables.
system_element_info in modules/system/system.module
Implements hook_element_info().
TestFileTransfer::factory in modules/simpletest/tests/filetransfer.test
Classes that extend this class must override the factory() static method.
user_account_form in modules/user/user.module
Helper function to add default user account fields to user registration and edit form.
user_form_test_current_password in modules/user/tests/user_form_test/user_form_test.module
A test form for user_validate_current_pass().
user_login in modules/user/user.module
Form builder; the main user login form.
user_login_block in modules/user/user.module