1.20.x authorize.inc | authorize_filetransfer_form($form, &$form_state) |
Form constructor for the file transfer authorization form.
Allows the user to choose a FileTransfer type and supply credentials.
See also
Related topics
- includes/
authorize.inc, line 17 - Helper functions and form handlers used for the authorize.php script.
function authorize_filetransfer_form($form, &$form_state) {
global $is_https;
$form = array();
// If possible, we want to post this form securely via HTTPS.
$form['#https'] = TRUE;
// Get all the available ways to transfer files.
if (empty($_SESSION['authorize_filetransfer_info'])) {
backdrop_set_message(t('Unable to continue, no available methods of file transfer'), 'error');
return array();
$available_backends = $_SESSION['authorize_filetransfer_info'];
if (!$is_https) {
$form['information']['https_warning'] = array(
'#prefix' => '<div class="messages error">',
'#markup' => t('WARNING: You are not using an encrypted connection, so your password will be sent in plain text. <a href="@https-link">Learn more</a>.', array('@https-link' => 'http://drupal.org/https-information')),
'#suffix' => '</div>',
// Decide on a default backend.
if (isset($form_state['values']['connection_settings']['authorize_filetransfer_default'])) {
$authorize_filetransfer_default = $form_state['values']['connection_settings']['authorize_filetransfer_default'];
elseif ($authorize_filetransfer_default = config_get('system.authorize', 'filetransfer_default'));
else {
$authorize_filetransfer_default = key($available_backends);
$form['information']['main_header'] = array(
'#prefix' => '<h3>',
'#markup' => t('To continue, provide your server connection details'),
'#suffix' => '</h3>',
$form['connection_settings']['#tree'] = TRUE;
$form['connection_settings']['authorize_filetransfer_default'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Connection method'),
'#default_value' => $authorize_filetransfer_default,
'#weight' => -10,
* Here we create two submit buttons. For a JS enabled client, they will
* only ever see submit_process. However, if a client doesn't have JS
* enabled, they will see submit_connection on the first form (when picking
* what filetransfer type to use, and submit_process on the second one (which
* leads to the actual operation).
$form['submit_connection'] = array(
'#prefix' => "<br style='clear:both'/>",
'#name' => 'enter_connection_settings',
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Enter connection settings'),
'#weight' => 100,
$form['submit_process'] = array(
'#name' => 'process_updates',
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Continue'),
'#weight' => 100,
// Build a container for each connection type.
foreach ($available_backends as $name => $backend) {
$form['connection_settings']['authorize_filetransfer_default']['#options'][$name] = $backend['title'];
$form['connection_settings'][$name] = array(
'#type' => 'container',
'#attributes' => array('class' => array("filetransfer-$name", 'filetransfer', 'form-wrapper')),
'#states' => array(
'visible' => array(
'select[name="connection_settings[authorize_filetransfer_default]"]' => array('value' => $name),
// We can't use #prefix on the container itself since then the header won't
// be hidden and shown when the containers are being manipulated via JS.
$form['connection_settings'][$name]['header'] = array(
'#markup' => '<h4>' . t('@backend connection settings', array('@backend' => $backend['title'])) . '</h4>',
$form['connection_settings'][$name] += _authorize_filetransfer_connection_settings($name);
// Start non-JS code.
if (isset($form_state['values']['connection_settings']['authorize_filetransfer_default']) && $form_state['values']['connection_settings']['authorize_filetransfer_default'] == $name) {
// Change the submit button to the submit_process one.
$form['submit_process']['#attributes'] = array();
// Activate the proper filetransfer settings form.
$form['connection_settings'][$name]['#attributes']['style'] = 'display:block';
// Disable the select box.
$form['connection_settings']['authorize_filetransfer_default']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
// Create a button for changing the type of connection.
$form['connection_settings']['change_connection_type'] = array(
'#name' => 'change_connection_type',
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Change connection type'),
'#weight' => -5,
'#attributes' => array('class' => array('filetransfer-change-connection-type')),
// End non-JS code.
return $form;