backdrop_build_css_cache in includes/
Aggregates and optimizes CSS files into a cache file in the files directory.
backdrop_get_favicon in includes/
Gets the file location and mime type for site favicon.
backdrop_get_logo in includes/
Gets the site logo.
backdrop_pre_render_scripts in includes/
#pre_render callback to add the elements needed for JavaScript tags to be rendered.
backdrop_pre_render_styles in includes/
Pre-render callback: Adds the elements needed for CSS tags to be rendered.
BackdropUnitTestCase::setUp in modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case.php
Sets up unit test environment.
BackdropWebTestCase::prepareEnvironment in modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case.php
Prepares the current environment for running the test.
BlockHero::formSubmit in modules/layout/includes/
Submit handler to save the form settings.
ckeditor_image_upload in modules/ckeditor/
Menu callback; Saves images uploaded via copy/paste into the editor.
ColorTestCase::testColor in modules/color/tests/color.test
Tests the Color module functionality.
CommonCascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderFile in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Tests rendering the stylesheets.
CommonCascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderStylesAttributes in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Test CSS Styles with attributes rendering.
CommonJavaScriptTestCase::testAggregatedAttributes in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Tests that attributes are maintained when JS aggregation is enabled.
CommonJavaScriptTestCase::testAggregation in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Test JavaScript grouping and aggregation.
CommonJavaScriptTestCase::testAttributes in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Tests adding JavaScript files with additional attributes.
CommonJavaScriptTestCase::testBrowserConditionalComments in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Test adding JavaScript within conditional comments.
CustomLogoTestCase::testCustomLogo in modules/system/tests/system.test
Test the use of a custom logo.
FileAccessTestCase::testFilePrivateDownloadAccess in modules/file/tests/file.test
Test to see if we have access to download private files when granted the permissions.
file_download_page in modules/file/
Menu callback; download a single file entity.
FileDownloadTest::checkUrl in modules/simpletest/tests/file.test
Download a file from the URL generated by file_create_url().
FileDownloadTest::testPrivateFileTransfer in modules/simpletest/tests/file.test
Test the private file transfer system.
FileDownloadTest::testPublicFileTransfer in modules/simpletest/tests/file.test
Test the public file transfer system.
file_field_formatter_view in modules/file/
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
FileFieldWidgetTestCase::doTestTemporaryFileRemovalExploit in modules/file/tests/file.test
Helper for testing exploiting the temporary file removal using fid.
FileFieldWidgetTestCase::testPrivateFileComment in modules/file/tests/file.test
Tests that download restrictions on private files work on comments.
FileFieldWidgetTestCase::testPrivateFileSetting in modules/file/tests/file.test
Tests a file field with a "Private files" upload destination setting.
FileFieldWidgetTestCase::testSingleValuedWidget in modules/file/tests/file.test
Tests upload and remove buttons for a single-valued File field.
file_multiple_delete_confirm in modules/file/
Multiple file deletion confirmation form.
FilePrivateTestCase::testPrivateFile in modules/file/tests/file.test
Tests file access for file uploaded to a private node.
FilePrivateTestCase::testPrivateFileDownloadAccessGranted in modules/file/tests/file.test
Tests file access for private nodes when file download access is granted.
FileTokenReplaceTestCase::testFileTokenReplacement in modules/file/tests/file.test
Creates a file, then tests the tokens generated from it.
FileURLRewritingTest::testPublicCreatedFileURL in modules/simpletest/tests/file.test
Test the generating of rewritten public created file URLs.
FileURLRewritingTest::testShippedFileURL in modules/simpletest/tests/file.test
Test the generating of rewritten shipped file URLs.
filter_format_editor_image_form_submit in modules/filter/
Submit handler for filter_format_editor_image_form().
filter_format_editor_link_form_submit in modules/filter/
Submit handler for filter_format_editor_link_form().
hook_file_transfer in modules/file/file.api.php
React to a file being downloaded.
ImageFieldDefaultImagesTestCase::testDefaultImages in modules/image/tests/image.test
Tests CRUD for fields and fields instances with default images.
ImageFieldDisplayTestCase::_testImageFieldFormatters in modules/image/tests/image.test
Test image formatters on node display.
image_field_formatter_view in modules/image/
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
image_field_instance_settings_form in modules/image/
Implements hook_field_instance_settings_form().
image_field_settings_form in modules/image/
Implements hook_field_settings_form().
image_style_url in modules/image/image.module
Return the URL for an image derivative given a style and image path.
_installer_browser_batch_install_release in modules/installer/
Batch API callback: Installs a single release of a project during batch.
path_autocomplete in modules/system/system.module
Menu callback; Autocomplete callback for paths.
RetrieveFileTestCase::testFileRetrieving in modules/system/tests/system.test
Invokes system_retrieve_file() in several scenarios.
SimpleTestFunctionalTest::getTestResults in modules/simpletest/tests/simpletest.test
Get the results from a test and store them in the class array $results.
system_tokens in modules/system/
Implements hook_tokens().
system_transliteration_retroactive in modules/system/
Form builder function; generates retroactive transliteration confirm form.
template_preprocess_ckeditor_settings_toolbar in modules/ckeditor/
Preprocess variables for theme_ckeditor_settings_toolbar().
template_preprocess_image in includes/
Preprocess variables for theme_image().
theme_file_audio in modules/file/
Returns HTML for displaying an HTML5 <audio> tag.
theme_file_link in modules/file/
Returns HTML for a link to a file.
theme_file_video in modules/file/
Returns HTML for displaying an HTML5 <video> tag.
theme_image_button in includes/
Returns HTML for an image button form element.
theme_image_style_preview in modules/image/
Returns HTML for a preview of an image style.
TokenNodeTestCase::testNodeTokens in modules/simpletest/tests/token.test
UserPictureTestCase::testExternalPicture in modules/user/tests/user.test
Test HTTP schema working with user pictures.
views_handler_field_file::render_link in modules/file/views/
Render whatever the data is as a link to the file.
views_handler_field_file_uri::render in modules/file/views/
Render the field.
ViewsUIWizardJumpMenuTestCase::createFileAndGetPath in modules/views/tests/views_ui.test
Helper function to create a file and return its expected path.