Contains filters are case sensitive
Namesort descending Location Description
install_config_directories includes/ Installation task; Rewrite settings.php to include config directories.
_install_configure_form includes/ Form constructor for a site configuration form.
install_configure_form includes/ Form constructor for a form to configure the new site.
install_configure_form_submit includes/ Form submission handler for install_configure_form().
install_configure_form_validate includes/ Form validation handler for install_configure_form().
install_database_errors includes/ Checks a database connection and returns any errors.
install_display_output includes/ Displays themed installer output and ends the page request.
install_drupal Deprecated includes/ Installs Backdrop either interactively or via an array of passed-in settings.
installer_authorize_batch_copy_project modules/installer/ Batch callback: Copies project to its proper place when authorized to do so.
_installer_authorize_clear_update_status modules/installer/ Clears cached available update status data.
installer_authorize_install_batch_finished modules/installer/ Batch callback: Performs actions when the authorized install batch is done.
installer_authorize_run_install modules/installer/ Installs a new project when invoked by authorize.php.
installer_authorize_run_update modules/installer/ Updates existing projects when invoked by authorize.php.
installer_authorize_update_batch_finished modules/installer/ Batch callback: Performs actions when the authorized update batch is done.
_installer_batch_create_message modules/installer/ Creates a structure of log messages.
installer_browser_add_remove_queue_dialog_link modules/installer/ Builds an "add-to-queue-link" button for project detail dialog.
installer_browser_add_remove_queue_dialog_link_ajax modules/installer/ AJAX submit handler for installer_browser_add_remove_queue_dialog_link().
installer_browser_add_remove_queue_dialog_link_submit modules/installer/ Submit handler for installer_browser_add_remove_queue_dialog_link().
installer_browser_add_remove_queue_link modules/installer/ Builds the add/remove project to install queue link.
_installer_browser_batch_install_release modules/installer/ Batch API callback: Installs a single release of a project during batch.
_installer_browser_batch_install_releases_finished modules/installer/ Batch API callback: shows a message and finishes up the batch.
installer_browser_check_zip_loaded modules/installer/ Checks if PHP zip extension loaded on webserver.
_installer_browser_execute_query modules/installer/ Helper function to execute queries for projects. Connects once to get the total count of projects, and then a second time to get all the projects in a repository.
installer_browser_fetch_results modules/installer/ Fetches results from the server based on the parameters passed in.
installer_browser_filters_form modules/installer/ Builds the filters form.
installer_browser_filters_form_submit modules/installer/ Handles the filters form submit.
installer_browser_get_destination_after_install modules/installer/ Determines the form destination after installed projects.
installer_browser_get_installed_projects modules/installer/ Gets the newly installed projects from the session.
installer_browser_get_installed_types modules/installer/ Determines the types of installed projects.
installer_browser_get_install_list modules/installer/ Returns the themed install list form.
installer_browser_get_listed_projects modules/installer/ Gets the currently listed projects from the session.
installer_browser_get_missing_dependencies modules/installer/ Gets the dependencies for installed projects.
installer_browser_get_project_release_data modules/installer/ Uses the project status url to get the available releases for a project.
installer_browser_get_queued_projects modules/installer/ Gets the currently queued projects from the session.
installer_browser_get_queued_releases modules/installer/ Gets the currently queued releases from the session.
installer_browser_get_release modules/installer/ Gets a release from a project and a release_name.
installer_browser_get_server Deprecated modules/installer/ Gets the server to use for fetching results.
installer_browser_get_server_list modules/installer/ Gets the list of servers to use for fetching results.
installer_browser_get_sort_options modules/installer/ Returns a list of sort options.
installer_browser_get_sort_widget modules/installer/ Returns a themed sort widget for the filters.
installer_browser_installation_enable_form modules/installer/ Form builder for the select versions form.
installer_browser_installation_enable_form_submit modules/installer/ Form submit handler for the enable modules form.
installer_browser_installation_enable_page modules/installer/ Task page for the Enable projects installation task.
installer_browser_installation_install_dependencies_page modules/installer/ Task page for the Install Dependencies installation task.
installer_browser_installation_page modules/installer/ Menu callback; page to install projects.
installer_browser_installation_reset modules/installer/ Menu callback; Provides the ability to clear the current queue of projects.
installer_browser_installation_select_versions_form modules/installer/ Form builder for the select versions form.
installer_browser_installation_select_versions_form_submit modules/installer/ Submit handler for the select versions form.
installer_browser_installation_select_versions_page modules/installer/ Menu callback; Task page for the select versions installation task.
installer_browser_installation_task_list modules/installer/ Get a task list to the sidebar area when installing projects.
