1.20.x installer.browser.inc _installer_browser_execute_query($server, $filters, $ipp)

Helper function to execute queries for projects. Connects once to get the total count of projects, and then a second time to get all the projects in a repository.


array $server: An array describing the server.

array $filters: An array of filters for the query.

int $ipp: The number of items to retrieve.

Return value

An array of projects on the server or NULL on error.:


modules/installer/installer.browser.inc, line 290
Various functions that are required by the Installer browse pages.


function _installer_browser_execute_query($server, $filters, $ipp) {
  $filters = array_merge($filters, array('items_per_page' => $ipp));
  $query_url = $server['url'] . '/query/' . $filters['type'] . '/1?' . http_build_query($filters, FALSE, '&');
  $response = backdrop_http_request($query_url);

  if ($response->code == '200') {
    return backdrop_json_decode($response->data);
  else {
    watchdog('installer', t("Encountered an error when trying to fetch results from @name. Error @code : @message", 
    array('@name' => $server['name'], '@code' => $response->code, '@message' => $response->error)), WATCHDOG_WARNING);
    return NULL;