- <?php
- $info = array(
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- 'header' => t('Header background'),
- 'base' => t('Mobile site name background'),
- 'slogan' => t('Slogan background'),
- 'titleslogan' => t('Site name and slogan'),
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- 'menutoggle' => t('Responsive menu toggle'),
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- 'css/layout.css',
- 'css/component/small-text-components.css',
- 'css/component/header.css',
- 'css/component/footer.css',
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- 'css/component/menu-toggle.css',
- 'css/component/backdrop-form.css',
- 'css/component/tabledrag.css',
- 'css/component/vertical-tabs.css',
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- 'css/component/comment.css',
- 'css/component/caption.css',
- 'css/skin.css',
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