1.20.x views_ui.analyze.inc views_ui_analysis($message, $type = 'error')

Format an analysis message.

This tool should be called by any module responding to the analyze hook to properly format the message. It is usually used in the form:

  $ret[] = views_ui_analysis(t('This is the message'), 'ok');

The 'ok' status should be used to provide information about things that are acceptable. In general analysis isn't interested in 'ok' messages, but instead the 'warning', which is a category for items that may be broken unless the user knows what he or she is doing, and 'error' for items that are definitely broken are much more useful.


$messages: The message to report.

$type: The type of message. This should be "ok", "warning" or "error". Other values can be used but how they are treated by the output routine is undefined.

Return value

array: An array containing the message.


modules/views_ui/views_ui.analyze.inc, line 89
Contains the view analyze tool code.


function views_ui_analysis($message, $type = 'error') {
  return array('message' => $message, 'type' => $type);