view::add_display in modules/views/includes/
Add a new display handler to the view, automatically creating an id.
ViewsAccessTest::setUp in modules/views/tests/views_access.test
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
views_add_contextual_links in modules/views/views.module
Adds contextual links associated with a view display to a renderable array.
views_fetch_plugin_names in modules/views/views.module
Fetch a list of all base tables available
views_get_applicable_views in modules/views/views.module
Return a list of all views and display IDs that have a particular setting in their display's plugin settings.
views_get_plugin in modules/views/views.module
Get a handler for a plugin
views_handler_argument::default_argument_form in modules/views/handlers/
Provide a form for selecting the default argument when the default action is set to provide default argument.
views_handler_argument::default_summary_form in modules/views/handlers/
Provide a form for selecting further summary options when the default action is set to display one.
views_handler_argument::options_form in modules/views/handlers/
Build the options form.
views_plugin_display::options_form in modules/views/plugins/
Provide the default form for setting options.
views_plugin_display::options_summary in modules/views/plugins/
Provide the default summary for options in the views UI.
views_plugin_list in modules/views/views.module
Returns a list of plugins and metadata about them.
ViewsPluginStyleMappingTest::setUp in modules/views/tests/styles/views_plugin_style_mapping.test
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
views_theme in modules/views/views.module
Implement hook_theme(). Register views theme functions.
ViewsTranslatableTest::setUp in modules/views/tests/views_translatable.test
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests.
views_ui_get_display_tab_details in modules/views_ui/
Helper function to get the display details section of the configure UI.