1.20.x views_plugin_display.inc | views_plugin_display::options_summary(&$categories, &$options) |
Provide the default summary for options in the views UI.
This output is returned as an array.
- modules/
views/ plugins/ views_plugin_display.inc, line 1092 - Contains the base display plugin.
- views_plugin_display
- The default display plugin handler. Display plugins handle options and basic mechanisms for different output methods.
function options_summary(&$categories, &$options) {
$categories = array(
'title' => array(
'title' => t('Title'),
'column' => 'first',
'format' => array(
'title' => t('Format'),
'column' => 'first',
'fields' => array(
'title' => t('Fields'),
'column' => 'first',
'filters' => array(
'title' => t('Filters'),
'column' => 'first',
'access' => array(
'title' => t('Access'),
'column' => 'second',
'build' => array(
'#weight' => -5,
'pager' => array(
'title' => t('Pager'),
'column' => 'second',
'exposed' => array(
'title' => t('Exposed form'),
'column' => 'third',
'build' => array(
'#weight' => 1,
'other' => array(
'title' => t('Other'),
'column' => 'third',
'build' => array(
'#weight' => 2,
if ($this->display->id != 'default') {
$options['display_id'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('Machine Name'),
'value' => !empty($this->display->new_id) ? check_plain($this->display->new_id) : check_plain($this->display->id),
'desc' => t('Change the machine name of this display.'),
$display_comment = check_plain(views_ui_truncate($this->get_option('display_comment'), 80));
$options['display_comment'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('Comment'),
'value' => !empty($display_comment) ? $display_comment : t('No comment'),
'desc' => t('Comment or document this display.'),
$title = strip_tags($this->get_option('title'));
if (!$title) {
$title = t('None');
$options['title'] = array(
'category' => 'title',
'title' => t('Title'),
'value' => $title,
'desc' => t('Change the title that this display will use.'),
$style_plugin = views_fetch_plugin_data('style', $this->get_option('style_plugin'));
$style_plugin_instance = $this->get_plugin('style');
$style_summary = empty($style_plugin['title']) ? t('Missing style plugin') : $style_plugin_instance->summary_title();
$style_title = empty($style_plugin['title']) ? t('Missing style plugin') : $style_plugin_instance->plugin_title();
$style = '';
$options['style_plugin'] = array(
'category' => 'format',
'title' => t('Format'),
'value' => $style_title,
'setting' => $style_summary,
'desc' => t('Change the way content is formatted.'),
// This adds a 'Settings' link to the style_options setting if the style has options.
if (!empty($style_plugin['uses options'])) {
$options['style_plugin']['links']['style_options'] = t('Change settings for this format');
if (!empty($style_plugin['uses row plugin'])) {
$row_plugin = views_fetch_plugin_data('row', $this->get_option('row_plugin'));
$row_plugin_instance = $this->get_plugin('row');
$row_summary = empty($row_plugin['title']) ? t('Missing style plugin') : $row_plugin_instance->summary_title();
$row_title = empty($row_plugin['title']) ? t('Missing style plugin') : $row_plugin_instance->plugin_title();
$options['row_plugin'] = array(
'category' => 'format',
'title' => t('Show'),
'value' => $row_title,
'setting' => $row_summary,
'desc' => t('Change the way each row in the view is styled.'),
// This adds a 'Settings' link to the row_options setting if the row style has options.
if (!empty($row_plugin['uses options'])) {
$options['row_plugin']['links']['row_options'] = t('Change settings for this style');
if (!empty($this->definition['use ajax'])) {
$options['use_ajax'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('Use AJAX'),
'value' => $this->get_option('use_ajax') ? t('Yes') : t('No'),
'desc' => t('Change whether or not this display will use AJAX.'),
if (!empty($this->definition['accept attachments'])) {
$options['hide_attachment_summary'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('Hide attachments in summary'),
'value' => $this->get_option('hide_attachment_summary') ? t('Yes') : t('No'),
'desc' => t('Change whether or not to display attachments when displaying a contextual filter summary.'),
if (!isset($this->definition['contextual links locations']) || !empty($this->definition['contextual links locations'])) {
$options['hide_admin_links'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('Hide contextual links'),
'value' => $this->get_option('hide_admin_links') ? t('Yes') : t('No'),
'desc' => t('Change whether or not to display contextual links for this view.'),
$pager_plugin = $this->get_plugin('pager');
if (!$pager_plugin) {
// default to the no pager plugin.
$pager_plugin = views_get_plugin('pager', 'none');
$pager_str = $pager_plugin->summary_title();
$options['pager'] = array(
'category' => 'pager',
'title' => t('Use pager'),
'value' => $pager_plugin->plugin_title(),
'setting' => $pager_str,
'desc' => t("Change this display's pager setting."),
// If pagers aren't allowed, change the text of the item:
if (empty($this->definition['use pager'])) {
$options['pager']['title'] = t('Items to display');
if (!empty($pager_plugin->definition['uses options'])) {
$options['pager']['links']['pager_options'] = t('Change settings for this pager type.');
if (!empty($this->definition['use more'])) {
$options['use_more'] = array(
'category' => 'pager',
'title' => t('More link'),
'value' => $this->get_option('use_more') ? t('Yes') : t('No'),
'desc' => t('Specify whether this display will provide a "more" link.'),
if ($this->view->query->get_aggregation_info()) {
$options['group_by'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('Use aggregation'),
'value' => $this->get_option('group_by') ? t('Yes') : t('No'),
'desc' => t('Allow grouping and aggregation (calculation) of fields.'),
$options['query'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('Query settings'),
'value' => t('Settings'),
'desc' => t('Allow to set some advanced settings for the query plugin'),
$languages = array(
'***CURRENT_LANGUAGE***' => t("Current user's language"),
'***DEFAULT_LANGUAGE***' => t("Default site language"),
LANGUAGE_NONE => t('Language neutral'),
if (module_exists('locale')) {
$languages = array_merge($languages, views_language_list());
$options['field_language'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('Field Language'),
'value' => $languages[$this->get_option('field_language')],
'desc' => t('All fields which support translations will be displayed in the selected language.'),
$access_plugin = $this->get_plugin('access');
if (!$access_plugin) {
// default to the no access control plugin.
$access_plugin = views_get_plugin('access', 'none');
$access_str = $access_plugin->summary_title();
$options['access'] = array(
'category' => 'access',
'title' => t('Access'),
'value' => $access_plugin->plugin_title(),
'setting' => $access_str,
'desc' => t('Specify access control type for this display.'),
if (!empty($access_plugin->definition['uses options'])) {
$options['access']['links']['access_options'] = t('Change settings for this access type.');
$cache_plugin = $this->get_plugin('cache');
if (!$cache_plugin) {
// default to the no cache control plugin.
$cache_plugin = views_get_plugin('cache', 'none');
$cache_str = $cache_plugin->summary_title();
$options['cache'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('Caching'),
'value' => $cache_plugin->plugin_title(),
'setting' => $cache_str,
'desc' => t('Specify caching type for this display.'),
if (!empty($cache_plugin->definition['uses options'])) {
$options['cache']['links']['cache_options'] = t('Change settings for this caching type.');
if (!empty($access_plugin->definition['uses options'])) {
$options['access']['links']['access_options'] = t('Change settings for this access type.');
if ($this->uses_link_display()) {
$display_id = $this->get_link_display();
$link_display = empty($this->view->display[$display_id]) ? t('None') : check_plain($this->view->display[$display_id]->display_title);
$link_display = $this->get_option('link_display') == 'custom_url' ? t('Custom URL') : $link_display;
$options['link_display'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('Link display'),
'value' => $link_display,
'desc' => t('Specify which display or custom url this display will link to.'),
if ($this->uses_exposed_form_in_block()) {
$options['exposed_block'] = array(
'category' => 'exposed',
'title' => t('Create exposed form block'),
'value' => $this->get_option('exposed_block') ? t('Yes') : t('No'),
'desc' => t('Allow the exposed form to appear in a block instead of the view.'),
$exposed_form_plugin = $this->get_plugin('exposed_form');
if (!$exposed_form_plugin) {
// default to the no cache control plugin.
$exposed_form_plugin = views_get_plugin('exposed_form', 'basic');
$exposed_form_str = $exposed_form_plugin->summary_title();
$options['exposed_form'] = array(
'category' => 'exposed',
'title' => t('Exposed form style'),
'value' => $exposed_form_plugin->plugin_title(),
'setting' => $exposed_form_str,
'desc' => t('Select the kind of exposed filter to use.'),
if (!empty($exposed_form_plugin->definition['uses options'])) {
$options['exposed_form']['links']['exposed_form_options'] = t('Exposed form settings for this exposed form style.');
$css_class = check_plain(trim($this->get_option('css_class')));
if (!$css_class) {
$css_class = t('None');
$options['css_class'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('CSS class'),
'value' => $css_class,
'desc' => t('Change the CSS class name(s) that will be added to this display.'),
$options['analyze-theme'] = array(
'category' => 'other',
'title' => t('Theme'),
'value' => t('Information'),
'desc' => t('Get information on how to theme this display'),
foreach ($this->extender as $extender) {
$extender->options_summary($categories, $options);