1.20.x cache.inc _views_data_process_entity_types(&$data)

Links tables having an 'entity type' specified to the respective, generic entity-type tables.


modules/views/includes/cache.inc, line 106
Load Views' data so that it knows what is available to build queries from.


function _views_data_process_entity_types(&$data) {
  foreach ($data as $table_name => $table_info) {
    // Add in a join from the entity-table if an entity-type is given.
    if (!empty($table_info['table']['entity type'])) {
      $entity_table = 'views_entity_' . $table_info['table']['entity type'];

      $data[$entity_table]['table']['join'][$table_name] = array(
        'left_table' => $table_name,
      $data[$entity_table]['table']['entity type'] = $table_info['table']['entity type'];
      // Copy over the default table group if we have none yet.
      if (!empty($table_info['table']['group']) && empty($data[$entity_table]['table']['group'])) {
        $data[$entity_table]['table']['group'] = $table_info['table']['group'];