field_ui_admin_bar_map in modules/admin_bar/
Implements hook_admin_bar_map() on behalf of Field UI module.
field_ui_menu in modules/field_ui/field_ui.module
Implements hook_menu().
_field_ui_view_mode_menu_access in modules/field_ui/field_ui.module
Access callback: Checks access for the Display mode pages.
FileAccessTestCase::assertFileAccess in modules/file/tests/file.test
Asserts file_access correctly grants or denies access.
file_menu in modules/file/file.module
Implements hook_menu().
layout_menu in modules/layout/layout.module
Implements hook_menu().
_menu_check_access in includes/
Checks access to a menu item using the access callback.
_menu_router_build in includes/
Builds the router table based on the data from hook_menu().
node_menu in modules/node/node.module
Implements hook_menu().
NodeTypeTestCase::testNodeTypePermissions in modules/node/tests/node.test
Tests that node types permissions are correctly set from the Node Type UI.
system_menu in modules/system/system.module
Implements hook_menu().
TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest::testVocabularyPermissions in modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test
Tests that vocabulary permissions are correctly set from the Taxonomy UI.
_template_preprocess_default_variables in includes/
Returns hook-independent variables to template_preprocess().
user_menu in modules/user/user.module
Implements hook_menu().
UserPermissionsTestCase::testUserPermissionChanges in modules/user/tests/user.test
Change user permissions and check user_access().
user_role_delete in modules/user/user.module
Delete a user role from database.
user_role_save in modules/user/user.module
Save a user role to the database.
user_views_data in modules/user/views/
Implements hook_views_data().
views_menu in modules/views/views.module
Implement hook_menu().
views_ui_menu in modules/views_ui/views_ui.module
Implements hook_menu().