1.20.x user.install user_update_1007()

Convert user roles to configuration files.

Related topics


modules/user/user.install, line 378
Install, update and uninstall functions for the user module.


function user_update_1007() {
  // Update role ID to be a varchar instead of an integer.
  if (db_field_exists('users_roles', 'rid')) {
    db_drop_index('users_roles', 'rid');
    // This column is added as part of the initial Backdrop update fixing
    // initial compatibility. See update_prepare_bootstrap().
    if (db_field_exists('users_roles', 'role')) {
      db_drop_field('users_roles', 'role');
    $role_column = array(
      'type' => 'varchar',
      'length' => 64,
      'description' => 'Primary Key: The name of the role.',
      'not null' => TRUE,
      'default' => '',
    db_change_field('users_roles', 'rid', 'role', $role_column);

    db_add_primary_key('users_roles', array('uid', 'role'));
    db_add_index('users_roles', 'role', array('role'));

  $admin_role_id = config_get('system.core', 'user_admin_role');
  $role_result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {role}");
  foreach ($role_result as $row) {
    $role_data = array(
      'name' => $row->rid,
      'label' => backdrop_ucfirst($row->name),
      'weight' => $row->weight,

    // Ensure default role names are correct.
    if ($row->rid == 1) {
      $role_data['name'] = 'anonymous';
      $role_data['label'] = 'Anonymous';
    if ($row->rid == 2) {
      $role_data['name'] = 'authenticated';
      $role_data['label'] = 'Authenticated';

    // Build the list of permissions.
    $role_data['permissions'] = array();
    $permission_result = db_query("SELECT * FROM {role_permission} WHERE rid = :rid", array(':rid' => $row->rid));
    foreach ($permission_result as $permission_row) {
      $role_data['permissions'][] = $permission_row->permission;

    // Save the new user role.
    $config = config('user.role.' . $role_data['name']);

    // Update the users table to match the new role names.
        'role' => $role_data['name'],
      ->condition('role', $row->rid)

    // Update the admin role.
    if ($admin_role_id == $row->rid) {
      config_set('system.core', 'user_admin_role', $role_data['name']);

  db_drop_field('users_roles', 'rid');