Tests for taxonomy.module.




Namesort ascending Description
TaxonomyWebTestCase Provides common helper methods for Taxonomy module tests.
TaxonomyVocabularyUnitTest Tests for taxonomy vocabulary functions.
TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest Tests the taxonomy vocabulary interface.
TaxonomyTokenReplaceTestCase Test taxonomy token replacement in strings.
TaxonomyThemeTestCase Tests for verifying that taxonomy pages use the correct theme.
TaxonomyTermUnitTest Unit tests for taxonomy term functions.
TaxonomyTermTestCase Tests for taxonomy term functions.
TaxonomyTermIndexTestCase Tests the hook implementations that maintain the taxonomy index.
TaxonomyTermFieldTestCase Tests for taxonomy term field and formatter.
TaxonomyTermFieldMultipleVocabularyTestCase Tests a taxonomy term reference field that allows multiple vocabularies.
TaxonomyRSSTestCase Tests the rendering of term reference fields in RSS feeds.
TaxonomyQueryAlterTestCase Tests that appropriate query tags are added.
TaxonomyLoadMultipleUnitTest Test the taxonomy_term_load_multiple() function.
TaxonomyLegacyTestCase Test for legacy node bug.
TaxonomyLanguageFunctionalTest Tests setting languages for taxonomy.
TaxonomyHooksTestCase Tests for taxonomy hook invocation.
TaxonomyEFQTestCase Tests the functionality of EntityFieldQuery for taxonomy entities.