1.20.x theme.test ThemeUnitTest::testThemeSuggestions()

Test function theme_get_suggestions() for SA-CORE-2009-003.


modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test, line 21
Tests for the theme API.


Unit tests for the Theme API.


function testThemeSuggestions() {
  // Set the home page as something random otherwise the CLI
  // test runner fails.
  config_set('system.core', 'site_frontpage', 'nobody-home');
  $args = array('node', '1', 'edit');
  $suggestions = theme_get_suggestions($args, 'page');
  $this->assertEqual($suggestions, array('page__node', 'page__node__%', 'page__node__1', 'page__node__edit'), 'Found expected node edit page suggestions');
  // Check attack vectors.
  $args = array('node', '\\1');
  $suggestions = theme_get_suggestions($args, 'page');
  $this->assertEqual($suggestions, array('page__node', 'page__node__%', 'page__node__1'), 'Removed invalid \\ from suggestions');
  $args = array('node', '1/');
  $suggestions = theme_get_suggestions($args, 'page');
  $this->assertEqual($suggestions, array('page__node', 'page__node__%', 'page__node__1'), 'Removed invalid / from suggestions');
  $args = array('node', "1\0");
  $suggestions = theme_get_suggestions($args, 'page');
  $this->assertEqual($suggestions, array('page__node', 'page__node__%', 'page__node__1'), 'Removed invalid \\0 from suggestions');
  // Define path with hyphens to be used to generate suggestions.
  $args = array('node', '1', 'hyphen-path');
  $result = array('page__node', 'page__node__%', 'page__node__1', 'page__node__hyphen_path');
  $suggestions = theme_get_suggestions($args, 'page');
  $this->assertEqual($suggestions, $result, 'Found expected page suggestions for paths containing hyphens.');