- <?php
- * @file
- * Unit tests for the redirect module.
- */
- class RedirectTestHelper extends BackdropWebTestCase {
- protected $profile = 'minimal';
- function setUp(array $modules = array()) {
- $modules[] = 'node';
- $modules[] = 'path';
- $modules[] = 'redirect';
- parent::setUp($modules);
- config_set('path.settings', 'node_pattern', '');
- }
- protected function assertRedirect($redirect) {
- backdrop_static_reset('backdrop_lookup_path');
- $source_url = url($redirect->source, array('absolute' => TRUE) + $redirect->source_options);
- $redirect_url = url($redirect->redirect, array('absolute' => TRUE) + $redirect->redirect_options);
- $this->backdropGet($source_url);
- $this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), $redirect_url, t('Page %source was redirected to %redirect.', array('%source' => $source_url, '%redirect' => $redirect_url)));
- if (!empty($redirect->rid)) {
- return redirect_load($redirect->rid, TRUE);
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- protected function assertNoRedirect($redirect) {
- $source_url = url($redirect->source, array('absolute' => TRUE) + $redirect->source_options);
- $this->backdropGet($source_url);
- $this->assertEqual($this->getUrl(), $source_url, t('Page %url was not redirected.', array('%url' => $source_url)));
- }
- * Add an URL redirection.
- *
- * @param string $source_path
- * A source path.
- * @param string $redirect_path
- * A redirect path.
- * @param array $redirect
- * An array of values from which a Redirect object will be created.
- *
- * @return Redirect
- * A redirect object.
- */
- protected function addRedirect($source_path, $redirect_path, array $redirect = array()) {
- $source_parsed = redirect_parse_url($source_path);
- $redirect['source'] = $source_parsed['url'];
- if (isset($source_parsed['query'])) {
- $redirect['source_options']['query'] = $source_parsed['query'];
- }
- $redirect_parsed = redirect_parse_url($redirect_path);
- $redirect['redirect'] = $redirect_parsed['url'];
- if (isset($redirect_parsed['query'])) {
- $redirect['redirect_options']['query'] = $redirect_parsed['query'];
- }
- if (isset($redirect_parsed['fragment'])) {
- $redirect['redirect_options']['fragment'] = $redirect_parsed['fragment'];
- }
- $redirect_object = new Redirect($redirect);
- redirect_save($redirect_object);
- return $redirect_object;
- }
- protected function assertPageCached($url, array $options = array()) {
- $options['absolute'] = TRUE;
- $url = url($url, $options);
- $cache = cache_get($url, 'cache_page');
- $this->assertTrue($cache, t('Page %url was cached.', array('%url' => $url)));
- return $cache;
- }
- protected function assertPageNotCached($url, array $options = array()) {
- $options['absolute'] = TRUE;
- $url = url($url, $options);
- $cache = cache_get($url, 'cache_page');
- $this->assertFalse($cache, t('Page %url was not cached.', array('%url' => $url)));
- }
- protected function assertHeader($name, $expected, $headers = NULL) {
- if (!isset($headers)) {
- $headers = $this->backdropGetHeaders();
- $name = strtolower($name);
- }
- return $this->assertIdentical($headers[$name], $expected);
- }
- }
- class RedirectUnitTest extends BackdropUnitTestCase {
- * Test the redirect_compare_array_recursive() function.
- */
- function testCompareArrayRecursive() {
- backdrop_load('module', 'redirect');
- $haystack = array('a' => 'aa', 'b' => 'bb', 'c' => array('c1' => 'cc1', 'c2' => 'cc2'));
- $cases = array(
- array('query' => array('a' => 'aa', 'b' => 'invalid'), 'result' => FALSE),
- array('query' => array('b' => 'bb'), 'result' => TRUE),
- array('query' => array('b' => 'bb', 'c' => 'invalid'), 'result' => FALSE),
- array('query' => array('b' => 'bb', 'c' => array()), 'result' => TRUE),
- array('query' => array('b' => 'bb', 'c' => array('invalid')), 'result' => FALSE),
- array('query' => array('b' => 'bb', 'c' => array('c2' => 'invalid')), 'result' => FALSE),
- array('query' => array('b' => 'bb', 'c' => array('c2' => 'cc2')), 'result' => TRUE),
- );
- foreach ($cases as $index => $case) {
- $this->assertEqual($case['result'], redirect_compare_array_recursive($case['query'], $haystack));
- }
- }
- * Test redirect_sort_recursive().
- */
- function testSortRecursive() {
- $test_cases = array(
- array(
- 'input' => array('b' => 'aa', 'c' => array('c2' => 'aa', 'c1' => 'aa'), 'a' => 'aa'),
- 'expected' => array('a' => 'aa', 'b' => 'aa', 'c' => array('c1' => 'aa', 'c2' => 'aa')),
- 'callback' => 'ksort',
- ),
- );
- foreach ($test_cases as $index => $test_case) {
- $output = $test_case['input'];
- redirect_sort_recursive($output, $test_case['callback']);
- $this->assertIdentical($output, $test_case['expected']);
- }
- }
- }
- class RedirectFunctionalTest extends RedirectTestHelper {
- protected $admin_user;
- function setUp(array $modules = array()) {
- parent::setUp($modules);
- $this->backdropCreateContentType(array('type' => 'post', 'name' => 'Post'));
- $this->admin_user = $this->backdropCreateUser(array('administer redirects', 'access site reports', 'access content', 'create post content', 'edit any post content', 'create url aliases'));
- $this->backdropLogin($this->admin_user);
- }
- * Tests the links added to 404 pages for creating redirects.
- */
- function test404Interface() {
- $this->backdropGet('invalid-path1');
- $this->backdropGet('invalid-path2');
- $this->assertLink('Add a URL redirect from this page to another location');
- $this->backdropGet('admin/config/system/actions');
- $this->assertNoLink('Add a URL redirect from this page to another location');
- $this->backdropGet('admin/reports/page-not-found');
- $this->clickLink('Fix 404 pages with URL redirects');
- $this->backdropLogout();
- $this->backdropGet('invalid-path3');
- $this->assertNoLink('Add a URL redirect from this page to another location');
- }
- * Tests the links added to 404 pages for creating URL redirects.
- */
- function testPageCache() {
- config_set('system.core', 'cache', 1);
- $edit = array(
- 'purge_inactive' => 604800,
- );
- $this->backdropPost('admin/config/urls/redirect/settings', $edit, 'Save configuration');
- $this->assertText('The configuration options have been saved.');
- $this->backdropLogout();
- $redirect = $this->addRedirect('redirect', 'node');
- $this->assertEqual($redirect->access, 0);
- $this->assertEqual($redirect->count, 0);
- $this->assertPageNotCached('redirect');
- $first_redirect_call = $this->assertRedirect($redirect);
- $this->assertEqual($first_redirect_call->count, 1);
- $this->assertTrue($first_redirect_call->access > 0);
- $cache = $this->assertPageCached('redirect');
- $this->assertHeader('Location', url('node', array('absolute' => TRUE)), $cache->data['headers']);
- $this->assertHeader('X-Redirect-ID', $first_redirect_call->rid, $cache->data['headers']);
- $second_redirect_call = $this->assertRedirect($redirect);
- $this->assertEqual($second_redirect_call->count, 1);
- $this->assertEqual($second_redirect_call->access, $first_redirect_call->access);
- $cache = $this->assertPageCached('redirect');
- $this->assertHeader('Location', url('node', array('absolute' => TRUE)), $cache->data['headers']);
- $this->assertHeader('X-Redirect-ID', $first_redirect_call->rid, $cache->data['headers']);
- $redirect->access = 1;
- redirect_save($redirect);
- state_set('redirect_cron_last', 0);
- $this->cronRun();
- $this->assertNoRedirect($redirect);
- }
- * Tests renaming automatic aliases in a circular loop.
- */
- function testPathChangeRedirects() {
- $node = $this->backdropCreateNode(array('type' => 'post', 'path' => array('alias' => 'first-alias')));
- $node_path = 'node/' . $node->nid;
- $this->backdropPost("$node_path/edit", array('path[alias]' => 'second-alias'), 'Save');
- $redirect = redirect_load_by_source('first-alias');
- $this->assertRedirect($redirect);
- $this->assertEqual(url($node_path), base_path() . 'second-alias');
- $this->backdropPost("$node_path/edit", array('path[alias]' => 'first-alias'), 'Save');
- $redirect = redirect_load_by_source('second-alias');
- $this->assertRedirect($redirect);
- $this->assertEqual(url($node_path), base_path() . 'first-alias');
- $this->backdropPost("$node_path/edit", array('path[alias]' => 'second-alias'), 'Save');
- $redirect = redirect_load_by_source('first-alias');
- $this->assertRedirect($redirect);
- $this->assertEqual(url($node_path), base_path() . 'second-alias');
- $node = $this->backdropCreateNode(array('type' => 'post', 'path' => array('alias' => 'manual-test')));
- $node_path = 'node/' . $node->nid;
- $edit = array(
- 'source' => 'manual-test',
- 'redirect' => $node_path,
- );
- $this->backdropPost('admin/config/urls/redirect/add', $edit, t('Save redirect'));
- $this->assertText(t('You are attempting to redirect the page to itself. This will result in an infinite loop.'));
- $edit = array(
- 'source' => 'manual-redirect',
- 'redirect' => 'manual-test',
- );
- $this->backdropPost('admin/config/urls/redirect/add', $edit, t('Save redirect'));
- $this->assertText(t('The redirect has been saved.'));
- $redirect = redirect_load_by_source('manual-redirect');
- $this->assertRedirect($redirect);
- $this->assertEqual($redirect->redirect, $node_path);
- $this->backdropPost("$node_path/edit", array('path[alias]' => 'manual-redirect'), 'Save');
- $redirect = redirect_load_by_source('manual-test');
- $this->assertRedirect($redirect);
- $this->assertEqual($redirect->redirect, $node_path);
- }
- * Tests presence or absence of Redirect elements on node edit forms.
- */
- function testNodeRedirectForm() {
- $this->backdropGet('node/add');
- $this->assertNoLink('Add URL redirect to this node');
- $node = $this->backdropCreateNode(array('type' => 'post'));
- $this->backdropGet('node/' . $node->nid . '/edit');
- $this->assertLink('Add URL redirect to this node');
- }
- }