1.20.x field.test FieldFormTestCase::testNestedFieldForm()

Tests Field API form integration within a subform.


modules/field/tests/field.test, line 1861
Tests for field.module.




function testNestedFieldForm() {
  // Add two instances on the 'test_bundle'
  $this->instance['field_name'] = 'field_single';
  $this->instance['label'] = 'Single field';
  $this->instance['field_name'] = 'field_unlimited';
  $this->instance['label'] = 'Unlimited field';

  // Create two entities.
  $entity_1 = field_test_create_entity(1, 1);
  $entity_1->is_new = TRUE;
  $entity_1->field_single[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array('value' => 0);
  $entity_1->field_unlimited[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array('value' => 1);

  $entity_2 = field_test_create_entity(2, 2);
  $entity_2->is_new = TRUE;
  $entity_2->field_single[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array('value' => 10);
  $entity_2->field_unlimited[LANGUAGE_NONE][] = array('value' => 11);

  // Display the 'combined form'.
  $this->assertFieldByName('field_single[und][0][value]', 0, 'Entity 1: field_single value appears correctly is the form.');
  $this->assertFieldByName('field_unlimited[und][0][value]', 1, 'Entity 1: field_unlimited value 0 appears correctly is the form.');
  $this->assertFieldByName('entity_2[field_single][und][0][value]', 10, 'Entity 2: field_single value appears correctly is the form.');
  $this->assertFieldByName('entity_2[field_unlimited][und][0][value]', 11, 'Entity 2: field_unlimited value 0 appears correctly is the form.');

  // Submit the form and check that the entities are updated accordingly.
  $edit = array(
    'field_single[und][0][value]' => 1,
    'field_unlimited[und][0][value]' => 2,
    'field_unlimited[und][1][value]' => 3,
    'entity_2[field_single][und][0][value]' => 11,
    'entity_2[field_unlimited][und][0][value]' => 12,
    'entity_2[field_unlimited][und][1][value]' => 13,
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
  $entity_1 = field_test_create_entity(1);
  $entity_2 = field_test_create_entity(2);
  $this->assertFieldValues($entity_1, 'field_single', LANGUAGE_NONE, array(1));
  $this->assertFieldValues($entity_1, 'field_unlimited', LANGUAGE_NONE, array(2, 3));
  $this->assertFieldValues($entity_2, 'field_single', LANGUAGE_NONE, array(11));
  $this->assertFieldValues($entity_2, 'field_unlimited', LANGUAGE_NONE, array(12, 13));

  // Submit invalid values and check that errors are reported on the
  // correct widgets.
  $edit = array(
    'field_unlimited[und][1][value]' => -1,
  $this->backdropPost('test-entity/nested/1/2', $edit, t('Save'));
  $this->assertRaw(t('%label does not accept the value -1', array('%label' => 'Unlimited field')), 'Entity 1: the field validation error was reported.');
  $error_field = $this->xpath('//input[@id=:id and contains(@class, "error")]', array(':id' => 'edit-field-unlimited-und-1-value'));
  $this->assertTrue($error_field, 'Entity 1: the error was flagged on the correct element.');
  $edit = array(
    'entity_2[field_unlimited][und][1][value]' => -1,
  $this->backdropPost('test-entity/nested/1/2', $edit, t('Save'));
  $this->assertRaw(t('%label does not accept the value -1', array('%label' => 'Unlimited field')), 'Entity 2: the field validation error was reported.');
  $error_field = $this->xpath('//input[@id=:id and contains(@class, "error")]', array(':id' => 'edit-entity-2-field-unlimited-und-1-value'));
  $this->assertTrue($error_field, 'Entity 2: the error was flagged on the correct element.');

  // Test that reordering works on both entities.
  $edit = array(
    'field_unlimited[und][0][_weight]' => 0,
    'field_unlimited[und][1][_weight]' => -1,
    'entity_2[field_unlimited][und][0][_weight]' => 0,
    'entity_2[field_unlimited][und][1][_weight]' => -1,
  $this->backdropPost('test-entity/nested/1/2', $edit, t('Save'));
  $this->assertFieldValues($entity_1, 'field_unlimited', LANGUAGE_NONE, array(3, 2));
  $this->assertFieldValues($entity_2, 'field_unlimited', LANGUAGE_NONE, array(13, 12));

  // Test the 'add more' buttons. Only Ajax submission is tested, because
  // the two 'add more' buttons present in the form have the same #value,
  // which confuses backdropPost().
  // 'Add more' button in the first entity:
  $this->backdropPostAJAX(NULL, array(), 'field_unlimited_add_more');
  $this->assertFieldByName('field_unlimited[und][0][value]', 3, 'Entity 1: field_unlimited value 0 appears correctly is the form.');
  $this->assertFieldByName('field_unlimited[und][1][value]', 2, 'Entity 1: field_unlimited value 1 appears correctly is the form.');
  $this->assertFieldByName('field_unlimited[und][2][value]', '', 'Entity 1: field_unlimited value 2 appears correctly is the form.');
  $this->assertFieldByName('field_unlimited[und][3][value]', '', 'Entity 1: an empty widget was added for field_unlimited value 3.');
  // 'Add more' button in the first entity (changing field values):
  $edit = array(
    'entity_2[field_unlimited][und][0][value]' => 13,
    'entity_2[field_unlimited][und][1][value]' => 14,
    'entity_2[field_unlimited][und][2][value]' => 15,
  $this->backdropPostAJAX(NULL, $edit, 'entity_2_field_unlimited_add_more');
  $this->assertFieldByName('entity_2[field_unlimited][und][0][value]', 13, 'Entity 2: field_unlimited value 0 appears correctly is the form.');
  $this->assertFieldByName('entity_2[field_unlimited][und][1][value]', 14, 'Entity 2: field_unlimited value 1 appears correctly is the form.');
  $this->assertFieldByName('entity_2[field_unlimited][und][2][value]', 15, 'Entity 2: field_unlimited value 2 appears correctly is the form.');
  $this->assertFieldByName('entity_2[field_unlimited][und][3][value]', '', 'Entity 2: an empty widget was added for field_unlimited value 3.');
  // Save the form and check values are saved correclty.
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, array(), t('Save'));
  $this->assertFieldValues($entity_1, 'field_unlimited', LANGUAGE_NONE, array(3, 2));
  $this->assertFieldValues($entity_2, 'field_unlimited', LANGUAGE_NONE, array(13, 14, 15));