1.20.x field.module field_config_update_validate(Config $staging_config, Config $active_config, $all_changes)

Implements hook_config_create_update().

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modules/field/field.module, line 502
Attach custom data fields to Backdrop entities.


function field_config_update_validate(Config $staging_config, Config $active_config, $all_changes) {
  $config_name = $staging_config->getName();

  // Field validation.
  if (strpos($config_name, 'field.field.') === 0) {
    // Ensure the field type does not change in updates. Fields must be manually
    // deleted and then imported if changing a field type.
    $field_name = str_replace('field.field.', '', $config_name);
    $current_type = $active_config->get('type');
    $new_type = $staging_config->get('type');
    if ($current_type !== $new_type) {
      throw new ConfigValidateException(t('The field "@name" cannot be created because another field with the same name already exists and is a different type of field. The current type is "@current" and the imported type would be "@new". Delete the field manually before importing the new field.', array('@name' => $field_name, '@current' => $current_type, '@new' => $new_type)));

    // Do the complete field validation and rethrow any errors that occur.
    try {
      $field = $staging_config->get();
      field_validate_field($field, TRUE);
    catch (FieldException $e) {
      throw new ConfigValidateException($e->getMessage());

  // Instance validation.
  if (strpos($config_name, 'field.instance.') === 0) {
    // Do the complete instance validation and rethrow any errors that occur.
    try {
      $instance = $staging_config->get();
      field_validate_instance($instance, FALSE, FALSE);
    catch (FieldException $e) {
      throw new ConfigValidateException($e->getMessage());