1.20.x date.theme.inc | theme_date_display_range($variables) |
Returns HTML for a date element formatted as a range.
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- modules/
date/ date.theme.inc, line 340 - Theme and preprocess functions for output by Date module.
function theme_date_display_range($variables) {
$date1 = $variables['date1'];
$date2 = $variables['date2'];
$timezone = $variables['timezone'];
$attributes_start = $variables['attributes_start'];
$attributes_end = $variables['attributes_end'];
$show_remaining_days = $variables['show_remaining_days'];
$start_date = '<span class="date-display-start"' . backdrop_attributes($attributes_start) . '>' . $date1 . '</span>';
$end_date = '<span class="date-display-end"' . backdrop_attributes($attributes_end) . '>' . $date2 . $timezone . '</span>';
// Wrap the result with the attributes.
$output = '<span class="date-display-range">' . t('!start-date to !end-date', array(
'!start-date' => $start_date,
'!end-date' => $end_date,
)) . '</span>';
// Add remaining message and return.
return $output . $show_remaining_days;