1.20.x config.module config_config_data_validate(Config $config, $config_info)

Implements hook_config_data_validate().


modules/config/config.module, line 184
Allows site administrators to modify configuration.


function config_config_data_validate(Config $config, $config_info) {
  // This validation only applies to configs that have module-provided info.
  if (empty($config_info)) {

  // First check that the provided name matches the filename.
  $config_name = $config->getName();
  $data = $config->get();
  if (isset($config_info['name_key'])) {
    // Keys may be an array or string. Ensure each key exists.
    $keys = (array) $config_info['name_key'];
    $config_string = '';
    foreach ($keys as $name_key) {
      if (empty($data[$name_key])) {
        throw new ConfigValidateException(t('The configuration "@file" must have the "@key" attribute specified.', array('@file' => $config_name, '@key' => $name_key)));
      $config_string .= '.' . $data[$name_key];

    // Then check the file name matches the key or list of keys.
    if (strpos($config_name, $config_string) === FALSE) {
      if (count($keys) === 1) {
        $message = t('The "@name_key" attribute has the value "@value", which does not match the file name "@file".', array('@file' => $config_name, '@name_key' => $name_key, '@value' => $data[$name_key]));
      else {
        $message = t('The attributes for @list do not match the file name "@file".', array('@file' => $config_name, '@list' => implode(', ', $keys)));
      throw new ConfigValidateException($message);

  // Check that a label key is provided (if applicable).
  if (isset($config_info['label_key'])) {
    $label_key = $config_info['label_key'];
    if (empty($data[$label_key])) {
      throw new ConfigValidateException(t('The configuration "@file" must have a "@key" attribute specified.', array('@file' => $config_name, '@key' => $label_key)));