Note: this list is generated by looking for the string for this theme hook, so it may include some references that are not actually using this theme hook.

file_list_types_page in modules/file/
Displays the file type admin overview page.
file_type_status_confirm_submit in modules/file/
Process file type status confirm submissions.
filter_admin_overview in modules/filter/
Page callback: Form constructor for a form to list and reorder text formats.
installer_browser_installation_enable_page in modules/installer/
Task page for the Enable projects installation task.
installer_browser_installation_page in modules/installer/
Menu callback; page to install projects.
installer_browser_installation_task_list in modules/installer/
Get a task list to the sidebar area when installing projects.
_layout_get_operations in modules/layout/
Given a layout, return a list of operations that can be performed on it.
_layout_settings_get_group_operations in modules/layout/
Given a path, return a list of operations for a group of layouts.
LocaleLanguageNegotiationInfoFunctionalTest::languageNegotiationUpdate in modules/locale/tests/locale.test
Update language types/negotiation information.
module_enable in includes/
Enables or installs a given list of modules.
_system_modules_build_row in modules/system/
Build a table row for the system modules page.
system_modules_submit in modules/system/
Submit callback; handles modules form submission.
theme_field_ui_view_modes in modules/field_ui/
Returns HTML for the entity display mode table.
theme_system_modules_fieldset in modules/system/
Returns HTML for the modules form.
views_ui_get_display_tab_details in modules/views_ui/
Helper function to get the display details section of the configure UI.
_views_ui_get_operations in modules/views_ui/
Given a view, return a list of operations that can be performed on it.