backdrop_find_theme_templates in includes/
Allows themes and/or theme engines to discover overridden templates.
backdrop_get_favicon in includes/
Gets the file location and mime type for site favicon.
backdrop_get_logo_info in includes/
Gets the path and dimensions of the site wide logo.
_backdrop_maintenance_theme in includes/
Sets up the theme system for the maintenance page.
backdrop_theme_access in includes/
Determines if a theme is available to use.
backdrop_theme_initialize in includes/
Initializes the theme system by loading the theme.
_color_config_save in modules/color/color.module
Shared callback used by color_config_create() and hook_config_update().
_color_get_file_path in modules/color/color.module
Finds the original file path of a CSS file from the color configuration.
color_get_info in modules/color/color.module
Retrieves the Color module information for a particular theme.
_color_get_theme_from_file in modules/color/color.module
Finds which theme a CSS file came from.
_color_preview_theme in modules/color/color.module
color_rebuild_settings in modules/color/color.module
Rebuild color scheme info.
color_save_preview_settings in modules/color/color.module
Callback function to handle saving preview settings to the user's session.
color_update_1000 in modules/color/color.install
Convert color module settings to config files.
installer_browser_installation_theme_set in modules/installer/
Sets a selected theme as the default site theme.
_installer_browser_is_project_enabled in modules/installer/
Checks if a project is enabled.
system_config_info in modules/system/system.module
Implements hook_config_info().
SystemInfoAlterTestCase::testSystemInfoAlter in modules/system/tests/system.test
Tests that {system}.info is rebuilt after a module that implements hook_system_info_alter() is enabled. Also tests if core *_list() functions return freshly altered info.
system_menu in modules/system/system.module
Implements hook_menu().
system_theme_default in modules/system/
Menu callback; Set the default theme.
system_theme_disable_confirm_submit in modules/system/
Form submission handler for system_theme_disable_confirm_submit().
system_theme_enable in modules/system/
Menu callback; Enables a theme.
system_themes_admin_form_submit in modules/system/
Process system_themes_admin_form form submissions.
system_theme_settings in modules/system/
Form builder; display theme configuration for entire site and individual themes.
theme_disable in includes/
Disables a given list of themes.
theme_enable in includes/
Enables a given list of themes.
theme_get_setting in includes/
Retrieves a setting for the current theme or for a given theme.
theme_has_color_support in includes/
Detect if a theme has support for the Color module.
theme_has_settings in includes/
Detect if a theme has any theme settings.
ThemeUnitTest::testListThemes in modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test
Test the list_themes() function.
views_plugin_display::options_form in modules/views/plugins/
Provide the default form for setting options.
views_ui_admin_settings_basic in modules/views_ui/
Form builder for the admin display defaults page.
views_ui_custom_theme in modules/views_ui/views_ui.module
Implements hook_custom_theme()
views_ui_get_admin_css in modules/views_ui/
Create an array of Views admin CSS for adding or attaching.