backdrop_rewrite_settings in includes/
Replaces values in settings.php with values in the submitted array.
backdrop_verify_profile in includes/
Verifies an installation profile for installation.
DatabaseTasks::checkEngineVersion in includes/
Check the engine version.
DatabaseTasks::connect in includes/
Check if we can connect to the database.
DatabaseTasks::getFormOptions in includes/
Return driver specific configuration options.
DatabaseTasks_mysql::name in drivers/database_mysql/
Returns a human-readable name string for MySQL and equivalent databases.
DatabaseTasks::runTasks in includes/
Run database tasks and tests to see if Backdrop can run on the database.
DatabaseTasks::runTestQuery in includes/
Run SQL tests to ensure the database can execute commands with the current user.
DatabaseTasks::validateDatabaseSettings in includes/
Validates driver specific configuration settings.
hook_install_tasks in modules/system/system.api.php
Return an array of tasks to be performed by an installation profile.
install_already_done_error in includes/
Indicates that Backdrop has already been installed.
install_check_requirements in includes/
Checks installation requirements and reports any errors.
_install_configure_form in includes/
Form constructor for a site configuration form.
install_configure_form in includes/
Form constructor for a form to configure the new site.
install_database_errors in includes/
Checks a database connection and returns any errors.
install_finished in includes/
Finishes importing files at end of installation.
install_load_profile in includes/
Loads information about the chosen profile during installation.
_install_module_batch in includes/
Batch callback for batch installation of modules.
install_no_profile_error in includes/
Indicates that there are no profiles available.
install_profile_modules in includes/
Installs required modules via a batch process.
install_select_language in includes/
Installation task; select which language to use.
install_select_language_form in includes/
Form constructor for the language selection form.
install_select_profile in includes/
Selects which profile to install.
install_select_profile_form in includes/
Form constructor for the profile selection form.
install_settings_form in includes/
Form constructor for a form to configure and rewrite settings.php.
install_tasks in includes/
Returns a list of all tasks the installer currently knows about.
install_verify_requirements in includes/
Verifies the requirements for installing Backdrop.
standard_form_install_configure_submit in profiles/standard/standard.profile
Extra submit handler install_configure_form().
standard_install in profiles/standard/standard.install
Implements hook_install().
UserRoleAdminTestCase::testRoleAdministration in modules/user/tests/user.test
Test adding, renaming and deleting roles.