1.20.x errors.inc _backdrop_decode_exception($exception)

Decodes an exception and retrieves the correct caller.


Exception|Error $exception: The exception or error object that was thrown. PHP 7 throws Error objects for PHP errors.

Return value

An error in the format expected by _backdrop_log_error().:


includes/errors.inc, line 90
Functions for error handling.


function _backdrop_decode_exception($exception) {
  $message = $exception->getMessage();

  $backtrace = $exception->getTrace();
  // Add the line throwing the exception to the backtrace.
  array_unshift($backtrace, array('line' => $exception->getLine(), 'file' => $exception->getFile()));

  // For PDOException errors, we try to return the initial caller,
  // skipping internal functions of the database layer.
  if ($exception instanceof PDOException) {
    // The first element in the stack is the call, the second element gives us the caller.
    // We skip calls that occurred in one of the classes of the database layer
    // or in one of its global functions.
    $db_functions = array('db_query', 'db_query_range');
    while (!empty($backtrace[1]) && ($caller = $backtrace[1]) && 
      ((isset($caller['class']) && (strpos($caller['class'], 'Query') !== FALSE || strpos($caller['class'], 'Database') !== FALSE || strpos($caller['class'], 'PDO') !== FALSE)) ||
        in_array($caller['function'], $db_functions))) {
      // We remove that call.
    if (isset($exception->query_string, $exception->args)) {
      $message .= ": " . $exception->query_string . "; " . print_r($exception->args, TRUE);
  $caller = _backdrop_get_last_caller($backtrace);

  return array(
    '%type' => get_class($exception),
    // The standard PHP exception handler considers that the exception message
    // is plain-text. We mimic this behavior here.
    '!message' => check_plain($message),
    '%function' => $caller['function'],
    '%file' => $caller['file'],
    '%line' => $caller['line'],
    'severity_level' => WATCHDOG_ERROR,