backdrop_bootstrap_is_installed in includes/
Verify the installation of Backdrop is correct.
BackdropTestCase::getDatabaseConnection in modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case.php
Returns the database connection to the site running Simpletest.
BackdropWebTestCaseCache::alterToMyISAM in modules/simpletest/backdrop_web_test_case_cache.php
Alter tables to MyISAM engine to speed up tests.
ConnectionUnitTest::getConnectionID in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Returns the connection ID of the current test connection.
ConnectionUnitTest::setUp in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Sets up unit test environment.
ConnectionUnitTest::testOpenClose in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Tests Database::closeConnection() without query.
ConnectionUnitTest::testOpenQueryClose in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Tests Database::closeConnection() with a query.
ConnectionUnitTest::testOpenQueryPrefetchClose in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Tests Database::closeConnection() with a query and custom prefetch method.
ConnectionUnitTest::testOpenSelectQueryClose in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Tests Database::closeConnection() with a select query.
DatabaseCharsetConverter::__construct in includes/database/
DatabaseCharsetConverter constructor.
DatabaseCharsetConverter::convertAllDatabases in includes/database/
Convert the MySQL Backdrop databases character set and collation.
DatabaseConnectionTestCase::testConnectionClosing in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Tests the closing of a database connection.
DatabaseConnectionTestCase::testConnectionOptions in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Tests the connection options of the active database.
DatabaseConnectionTestCase::testConnectionRouting in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Test that connections return appropriate connection objects.
DatabaseConnectionTestCase::testConnectionRoutingOverride in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Test that connections return appropriate connection objects.
DatabaseInvalidDataTestCase::testInsertDuplicateData in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Traditional SQL database systems abort inserts when invalid data is encountered.
DatabaseReservedKeywordTestCase::testTableNameQuoting in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
DatabaseSelectTestCase::testVulnerableComment in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Test query COMMENT system against vulnerabilities.
DatabaseTasks::checkEngineVersion in includes/
Check the engine version.
DatabaseTasks::checkUtf8mb4 in includes/
Check the engine version.
DatabaseTasks::connect in includes/
Check if we can connect to the database.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::testTransactionRollBackNotSupported in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Test transaction rollback on a database that does not support transactions.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::testTransactionRollBackSupported in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Test transaction rollback on a database that supports transactions.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::testTransactionStacking in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Test transaction stacking and commit / rollback.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::testTransactionWithDdlStatement in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Test the compatibility of transactions with DDL statements.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::transactionInnerLayer in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Helper method for transaction unit tests. This "inner layer" transaction is either used alone or nested inside of the "outer layer" transaction.
DatabaseTransactionTestCase::transactionOuterLayer in modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test
Helper method for transaction unit test. This "outer layer" transaction starts and then encapsulates the "inner layer" transaction. This nesting is used to evaluate whether the the database transaction API properly supports…
date_sql_handler::__construct in modules/date/views/
The object constuctor.
date_sql_handler::set_db_timezone in modules/date/views/
Set the database timzone offset.
db_add_field in includes/database/
Adds a new field to a table.
db_add_index in includes/database/
Adds an index.
db_add_primary_key in includes/database/
Adds a primary key to a database table.
db_add_unique_key in includes/database/
Adds a unique key.
db_change_field in includes/database/
Changes a field definition.
_db_create_keys_sql in includes/database/
db_create_table in includes/database/
Creates a new table from a Backdrop table definition.
db_delete in includes/database/
Returns a new DeleteQuery object for the active database.
db_driver in includes/database/
Retrieves the name of the currently active database driver.
db_drop_field in includes/database/
Drops a field.
db_drop_index in includes/database/
Drops an index.
db_drop_primary_key in includes/database/
Drops the primary key of a database table.
db_drop_table in includes/database/
Drops a table.
db_drop_unique_key in includes/database/
Drops a unique key.
db_escape_field in includes/database/
Restricts a dynamic column or constraint name to safe characters.
db_escape_table in includes/database/
Restricts a dynamic table name to safe characters.
db_field_exists in includes/database/
Checks if a column exists in the given table.
db_field_names in includes/database/
Returns an array of field names from an array of key/index column specifiers.
db_field_set_default in includes/database/
Sets the default value for a field.
db_field_set_no_default in includes/database/
Sets a field to have no default value.
db_find_prefixed_tables in includes/database/
Finds all tables that are like the specified base table name. This is a backport of the change made to db_find_tables in Drupal 8 to work with virtual, un-prefixed table names. The original function is retained for Backwards Compatibility.
db_find_tables in includes/database/
Finds all tables that are like the specified base table name.
db_index_exists in includes/database/
Checks if an index exists in the given table.
db_insert in includes/database/
Returns a new InsertQuery object for the active database.
db_like in includes/database/
Escapes characters that work as wildcard characters in a LIKE pattern.
dblog_watchdog in modules/dblog/dblog.module
Implements hook_watchdog().
db_merge in includes/database/
Returns a new MergeQuery object for the active database.
db_next_id in includes/database/
Retrieves a unique id.
db_query in includes/database/
Executes an arbitrary query string against the active database.
db_query_range in includes/database/
Executes a query against the active database, restricted to a range.
db_query_temporary in includes/database/
Executes a SELECT query string and saves the result set to a temporary table.
db_rename_table in includes/database/
Renames a table.
db_select in includes/database/
Returns a new SelectQuery object for the active database.
db_table_exists in includes/database/
Checks if a table exists.
db_transaction in includes/database/
Returns a new transaction object for the active database.
db_truncate in includes/database/
Returns a new TruncateQuery object for the active database.
db_update in includes/database/
Returns a new UpdateQuery object for the active database.
field_sql_storage_field_storage_update_field in modules/field/modules/field_sql_storage/field_sql_storage.module
Implements hook_field_storage_update_field().
install_finished in includes/
Finishes importing files at end of installation.
install_system_module in includes/
Installation task; install the Backdrop system module.
install_verify_database_utf8mb4 in includes/
Verifies if UTF8 MB4 support is available in the database.
NodeCreationTestCase::testFailedPageCreation in modules/node/tests/node.test
Verifies that a transaction rolls back the failed creation.
NodeMultiByteUtf8Test::testMultiByteUtf8 in modules/node/tests/node.test
Tests that multi-byte UTF-8 characters are stored and retrieved correctly.
Query::__wakeup in includes/database/
Implements the magic __wakeup function to reconnect to the database.
SchemaTestCase::checkSchemaComment in modules/simpletest/tests/schema.test
Checks that a table or column comment matches a given description.
SchemaTestCase::testFindTables in modules/simpletest/tests/schema.test
Tests the findTables() method.
SchemaTestCase::testSchema in modules/simpletest/tests/schema.test
simpletest_clean_database in modules/simpletest/simpletest.module
Removed prefixed tables from the database that are left over from crashed tests.
simpletest_clean_profile_cache_tables in modules/simpletest/simpletest.module
Removes cached profile tables from the database.
_system_check_db_utf8mb4_requirements in modules/system/system.install
Checks whether the requirements for multi-byte UTF-8 support are met.
system_requirements in modules/system/system.install
Implements hook_requirements().
system_transliteration_file_query in modules/system/
Builds a query that returns all file names from the database containing non-ASCII characters.
system_utf8mb4_convert_form in modules/system/
Form to convert existing database tables to utf8mb4 if supported.
telemetry_telemetry_data in modules/telemetry/
Implements hook_telemetry_data().
views_get_timezone in modules/views/includes/
Figure out what timezone we're in; needed for some date manipulations.
views_handler_filter_numeric::operators in modules/views/handlers/
views_handler_filter_string::operators in modules/views/handlers/
This kind of construct makes it relatively easy for a child class to add or remove functionality by overriding this function and adding/removing items from this array.
views_plugin_query_default::database_connection in modules/views/plugins/
Return the database connection that will be used for the query.
views_ui_preview in modules/views_ui/
Returns the results of the live preview.