- <?php
- * @file
- * Tests for the Database Schema API.
- */
- * Unit tests for the Schema API.
- */
- class SchemaTestCase extends BackdropWebTestCase {
- * A global counter for table and field creation.
- */
- var $counter;
- *
- */
- function testSchema() {
- $table_specification = array(
- 'description' => 'Schema table description.',
- 'fields' => array(
- 'id' => array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'default' => NULL,
- ),
- 'test_field' => array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'not null' => TRUE,
- 'description' => 'Schema column description.',
- ),
- ),
- );
- db_create_table('test_table', $table_specification);
- $this->assertTrue(db_table_exists('test_table'), 'The table exists.');
- $this->checkSchemaComment($table_specification['description'], 'test_table');
- $this->checkSchemaComment($table_specification['fields']['test_field']['description'], 'test_table', 'test_field');
- $this->assertFalse($this->tryInsert(), 'Insert without a default failed.');
- db_field_set_default('test_table', 'test_field', 0);
- $this->assertTrue($this->tryInsert(), 'Insert with a default succeeded.');
- db_field_set_no_default('test_table', 'test_field');
- $this->assertFalse($this->tryInsert(), 'Insert without a default failed.');
- $index_exists = Database::getConnection()->schema()->indexExists('test_table', 'test_field');
- $this->assertIdentical($index_exists, FALSE, 'Fake index does not exists');
- db_add_index('test_table', 'test_field', array('test_field'));
- $index_exists = Database::getConnection()->schema()->indexExists('test_table', 'test_field');
- $this->assertIdentical($index_exists, TRUE, 'Index created.');
- db_rename_table('test_table', 'test_table2');
- $index_exists = Database::getConnection()->schema()->indexExists('test_table2', 'test_field');
- $this->assertTrue($index_exists, 'Index was renamed.');
- db_field_set_default('test_table2', 'test_field', 0);
- $this->assertFalse($this->tryInsert(), 'Insert into the old table failed.');
- $this->assertTrue($this->tryInsert('test_table2'), 'Insert into the new table succeeded.');
- $count = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {test_table2}')->fetchField();
- $this->assertEqual($count, 2, 'Two fields were successfully inserted.');
- db_drop_table('test_table2');
- $this->assertFalse(db_table_exists('test_table2'), 'The dropped table does not exist.');
- db_create_table('test_table', $table_specification);
- db_field_set_default('test_table', 'test_field', 0);
- db_add_field('test_table', 'test_serial', array('type' => 'int', 'not null' => TRUE, 'default' => 0, 'description' => 'Added column description.'));
- $this->checkSchemaComment('Added column description.', 'test_table', 'test_serial');
- db_change_field('test_table', 'test_serial', 'test_serial', array('type' => 'serial', 'not null' => TRUE, 'description' => 'Changed column description.'), array('primary key' => array('test_serial')));
- $this->checkSchemaComment('Changed column description.', 'test_table', 'test_serial');
- $this->assertTrue($this->tryInsert(), 'Insert with a serial succeeded.');
- $max1 = db_query('SELECT MAX(test_serial) FROM {test_table}')->fetchField();
- $this->assertTrue($this->tryInsert(), 'Insert with a serial succeeded.');
- $max2 = db_query('SELECT MAX(test_serial) FROM {test_table}')->fetchField();
- $this->assertTrue($max2 > $max1, 'The serial is monotone.');
- $count = db_query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {test_table}')->fetchField();
- $this->assertEqual($count, 2, 'There were two rows.');
- }
- function tryInsert($table = 'test_table') {
- try {
- db_insert($table)
- ->fields(array('id' => mt_rand(10, 20)))
- ->execute();
- return TRUE;
- }
- catch (Exception $e) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- * Checks that a table or column comment matches a given description.
- *
- * @param $description
- * The asserted description.
- * @param $table
- * The table to test.
- * @param $column
- * Optional column to test.
- */
- function checkSchemaComment($description, $table, $column = NULL) {
- if (method_exists(Database::getConnection()->schema(), 'getComment')) {
- $comment = Database::getConnection()->schema()->getComment($table, $column);
- $this->assertEqual($comment, $description, 'The comment matches the schema description.');
- }
- }
- * Tests creating unsigned columns and data integrity thereof.
- */
- function testUnsignedColumns() {
- $table_name = 'unsigned_table';
- $table_spec = array(
- 'fields' => array('serial_column' => array('type' => 'serial', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE)),
- 'primary key' => array('serial_column'),
- );
- $ret = array();
- db_create_table($table_name, $table_spec);
- $types = array('int', 'float', 'numeric');
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $column_spec = array('type' => $type, 'unsigned'=> TRUE);
- if ($type == 'numeric') {
- $column_spec += array('precision' => 10, 'scale' => 0);
- }
- $column_name = $type . '_column';
- $table_spec['fields'][$column_name] = $column_spec;
- db_add_field($table_name, $column_name, $column_spec);
- }
- foreach ($table_spec['fields'] as $column_name => $column_spec) {
- $this->assertTrue(db_field_exists($table_name, $column_name), format_string('Unsigned @type column was created.', array('@type' => $column_spec['type'])));
- $this->assertFalse($this->tryUnsignedInsert($table_name, $column_name), format_string('Unsigned @type column rejected a negative value.', array('@type' => $column_spec['type'])));
- }
- }
- * Tries to insert a negative value into columns defined as unsigned.
- *
- * @param $table_name
- * The table to insert
- * @param $column_name
- * The column to insert
- * @return
- * TRUE if the insert succeeded, FALSE otherwise
- */
- function tryUnsignedInsert($table_name, $column_name) {
- try {
- db_insert($table_name)
- ->fields(array($column_name => -1))
- ->execute();
- return TRUE;
- }
- catch (Exception $e) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- * Test adding columns to an existing table.
- */
- function testSchemaAddField() {
- foreach (array(1, 32, 128, 256, 512) as $length) {
- $base_field_spec = array(
- 'type' => 'varchar',
- 'length' => $length,
- );
- $variations = array(
- array('not null' => FALSE),
- array('not null' => FALSE, 'default' => '7'),
- array('not null' => TRUE, 'initial' => 'd'),
- array('not null' => TRUE, 'initial' => 'd', 'default' => '7'),
- );
- foreach ($variations as $variation) {
- $field_spec = $variation + $base_field_spec;
- $this->assertFieldAdditionRemoval($field_spec);
- }
- }
- foreach (array('int', 'float') as $type) {
- foreach (array('tiny', 'small', 'medium', 'normal', 'big') as $size) {
- $base_field_spec = array(
- 'type' => $type,
- 'size' => $size,
- );
- $variations = array(
- array('not null' => FALSE),
- array('not null' => FALSE, 'default' => 7),
- array('not null' => TRUE, 'initial' => 1),
- array('not null' => TRUE, 'initial' => 1, 'default' => 7),
- );
- foreach ($variations as $variation) {
- $field_spec = $variation + $base_field_spec;
- $this->assertFieldAdditionRemoval($field_spec);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach (array(1, 5, 10, 40, 65) as $precision) {
- foreach (array(0, 2, 10, 30) as $scale) {
- if ($precision <= $scale) {
- continue;
- }
- $base_field_spec = array(
- 'type' => 'numeric',
- 'scale' => $scale,
- 'precision' => $precision,
- );
- $variations = array(
- array('not null' => FALSE),
- array('not null' => FALSE, 'default' => 7),
- array('not null' => TRUE, 'initial' => 1),
- array('not null' => TRUE, 'initial' => 1, 'default' => 7),
- );
- foreach ($variations as $variation) {
- $field_spec = $variation + $base_field_spec;
- $this->assertFieldAdditionRemoval($field_spec);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- * Assert that a given field can be added and removed from a table.
- *
- * The addition test covers both defining a field of a given specification
- * when initially creating at table and extending an existing table.
- *
- * @param $field_spec
- * The schema specification of the field.
- */
- protected function assertFieldAdditionRemoval($field_spec) {
- $table_name = 'test_table_' . ($this->counter++);
- $table_spec = array(
- 'fields' => array(
- 'serial_column' => array('type' => 'serial', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE),
- 'test_field' => $field_spec,
- ),
- 'primary key' => array('serial_column'),
- );
- db_create_table($table_name, $table_spec);
- $this->pass(format_string('Table %table created.', array('%table' => $table_name)));
- $this->assertFieldCharacteristics($table_name, 'test_field', $field_spec);
- db_drop_table($table_name);
- $table_name = 'test_table_' . ($this->counter++);
- $table_spec = array(
- 'fields' => array(
- 'serial_column' => array('type' => 'serial', 'unsigned' => TRUE, 'not null' => TRUE),
- ),
- 'primary key' => array('serial_column'),
- );
- db_create_table($table_name, $table_spec);
- $this->pass(format_string('Table %table created.', array('%table' => $table_name)));
- for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
- db_insert($table_name)
- ->useDefaults(array('serial_column'))
- ->execute();
- }
- db_add_field($table_name, 'test_field', $field_spec);
- $this->pass(format_string('Column %column created.', array('%column' => 'test_field')));
- $this->assertFieldCharacteristics($table_name, 'test_field', $field_spec);
- db_drop_field($table_name, 'test_field');
- db_drop_table($table_name);
- }
- * Assert that a newly added field has the correct characteristics.
- */
- protected function assertFieldCharacteristics($table_name, $field_name, $field_spec) {
- if (isset($field_spec['initial'])) {
- $count = db_select($table_name)
- ->fields($table_name, array('serial_column'))
- ->condition($field_name, $field_spec['initial'], '<>')
- ->countQuery()
- ->execute()
- ->fetchField();
- $this->assertEqual($count, 0, 'Initial values filled out.');
- }
- if (isset($field_spec['default'])) {
- $id = db_insert($table_name)
- ->useDefaults(array('serial_column'))
- ->execute();
- $field_value = db_select($table_name)
- ->fields($table_name, array($field_name))
- ->condition('serial_column', $id)
- ->execute()
- ->fetchField();
- $this->assertEqual($field_value, $field_spec['default'], 'Default value registered.');
- }
- db_drop_field($table_name, $field_name);
- }
- * Tests the findTables() method.
- */
- public function testFindTables() {
- $connection_info = Database::getConnectionInfo();
- $new_connection_info = $connection_info['default'];
- $new_connection_info['prefix']['test_2_table'] = $new_connection_info['prefix']['default'] . '_shared_';
- Database::addConnectionInfo('test', 'default', $new_connection_info);
- Database::setActiveConnection('test');
- $table_specification = array(
- 'description' => 'Test table.',
- 'fields' => array(
- 'id' => array(
- 'type' => 'int',
- 'default' => NULL,
- ),
- ),
- );
- Database::getConnection()->schema()->createTable('test_1_table', $table_specification);
- Database::getConnection()->schema()->createTable('test_2_table', $table_specification);
- Database::getConnection()->schema()->createTable('the_third_table', $table_specification);
- $tables = Database::getConnection()->schema()->findPrefixedTables('%');
- sort($tables);
- $expected = array(
- 'test_1_table',
- 'test_2_table',
- 'the_third_table',
- );
- $this->assertTrue(!array_diff($expected, $tables), 'All tables were found.');
- $tables = Database::getConnection()->schema()->findPrefixedTables('test_%');
- sort($tables);
- $expected = array(
- 'test_1_table',
- 'test_2_table',
- );
- $this->assertEqual($tables, $expected, 'Two tables were found.');
- Database::setActiveConnection('default');
- }
- }