backdrop_get_database_list in includes/
backdrop_required_modules in includes/
Returns an array of modules required by core.
backdrop_scan_directories in includes/
CommonBackdropParseInfoFileTestCase::testParseInfoFile in modules/simpletest/tests/common.test
Parse an example .info file an verify the results.
drupal_parse_info_file in includes/
Parses Backdrop module and theme .info files.
InfoFileCoreTest::testProjectInfoFileContents in modules/system/tests/system.test
Tests that the .info files of all core projects specify a project type.
installer_verify_update_archive in modules/installer/installer.module
Implements hook_verify_update_archive().
install_profile_info in includes/
Retrieves information about an installation profile from its .info file.
layout_get_layout_template_info in modules/layout/layout.module
Load the information of either a single layout template or all available layout templates.
silkscreen_driver_list in includes/
Returns a list of objects decribing the installed drivers indexed by their machine names. Each of the driver objects includes the path to their info file, their machine name, and the contents of their info files.
simpletest_test_get_all in modules/simpletest/simpletest.module
Get a list of all of the tests provided by the system.
system_modules_uninstall_confirm_form in modules/system/
Confirm uninstall of selected modules.
_system_rebuild_module_data in modules/system/system.module
Helper function to scan and collect module .info data.
_system_rebuild_theme_data in modules/system/system.module
Helper function to scan and collect theme .info data and their engines.
update_module_add_to_system in includes/
Adds modules to the system table in a Backdrop core update.
Updater::getProjectTitle in includes/
Return the project name from a Backdrop info file.
Updater::getProjectType in includes/
Return the project type from a Backdrop info file or directory.