1.20.x bootstrap.inc backdrop_scan_directories($mask, $searchdir, $key = 'name', $min_depth = -1)


includes/bootstrap.inc, line 4301
Functions that need to be loaded on every Backdrop request.


function backdrop_scan_directories($mask, $searchdir, $key = 'name', $min_depth = -1) {
  $files = array();

  // Do not check for system files in common special-purpose directories.
  $ignore_directories = array(
  $no_mask = '/^((\..*)|' . implode('|', $ignore_directories) . ')$/';

  // Get current list of items.
  if (!function_exists('file_scan_directory')) {
    require_once BACKDROP_ROOT . '/core/includes/file.inc';
  foreach ($searchdir as $dir) {
    $files_to_add = file_scan_directory($dir, $mask, array('key' => $key, 'min_depth' => $min_depth, 'nomask' => $no_mask));
    // Duplicate files found in later search directories take precedence over
    // earlier ones, so we want them to overwrite keys in our resulting
    // $files array.
    // The exception to this is if the later file is from a module or theme not
    // compatible with Backdrop core. This may occur during upgrades of Backdrop
    // core when new modules exist in core while older contrib modules with the
    // same name exist in a directory such as /modules.
    foreach (array_intersect_key($files_to_add, $files) as $file_key => $file) {
      // If it has no info file, then we just behave liberally and accept the
      // new resource on the list for merging.
      if (file_exists($info_file = dirname($file->uri) . '/' . $file->name . '.info')) {
        // Get the .info file for the module or theme this file belongs to.
        $info = backdrop_parse_info_file($info_file);

        // If the module or theme is incompatible with Backdrop core, remove it
        // from the array for the current search directory, so it is not
        // overwritten when merged with the $files array.
        if (isset($info['backdrop']) && $info['backdrop'] != BACKDROP_CORE_COMPATIBILITY) {
    $files = array_merge($files, $files_to_add);

  return $files;