backdrop_goto_deprecated in includes/
Wraps backdrop_goto() to include a deprecated log message.
BootstrapWatchdogTestCase::testWatchdogLogging in modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test
comment_access in modules/comment/comment.module
Determines whether the current user has access to a particular comment.
DatabaseConnection_mysql::dateFieldSql in drivers/database_mysql/
dblog_overview in modules/dblog/
Page callback: Displays a listing of database log messages.
DBLogTestCase::getSeverityConstant in modules/dblog/tests/dblog.test
Gets the watchdog severity constant corresponding to the CSS class.
hook_watchdog in modules/system/system.api.php
Log an event message.
system_logging_settings in modules/system/
Form builder; Configure error reporting settings.
system_settings_form_submit in modules/system/system.module
Form submission handler for system_settings_form().
taxonomy_term_access in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Access callback: Checks a user's permission for performing a taxonomy term operation.
taxonomy_vocabulary_access in modules/taxonomy/taxonomy.module
Access callback: Checks a user's permission for performing operations on taxonomy terms in a vocabulary.
watchdog_deprecated_function in includes/
Logs a deprecation warning.
watchdog_severity_levels in includes/
Returns a list of severity levels, as defined in RFC 3164.