Contains filters are case sensitive
Namesort descending Location Description
hook_library_info_alter modules/system/system.api.php Alters the JavaScript/CSS library registry.
hook_load modules/node/node.api.php Act on nodes being loaded from the database.
hook_locale_language_delete modules/locale/locale.api.php Allow modules to react before the deletion of a language.
hook_locale_language_insert modules/locale/locale.api.php React to a language that was just added to the system.
hook_locale_language_presave modules/locale/locale.api.php React to a language about to be added or updated in the system.
hook_locale_language_update modules/locale/locale.api.php React to a language that was just updated in the system.
hook_mail modules/system/system.api.php Prepare a message based on parameters; called from backdrop_mail().
hook_mail_alter modules/system/system.api.php Alter an email message created with the backdrop_mail() function.
hook_menu modules/system/system.api.php Define menu items and page callbacks.
hook_menu_alter modules/system/system.api.php Alter the data being saved to the {menu_router} table after hook_menu is invoked.
hook_menu_breadcrumb_alter modules/system/system.api.php Alter links in the active trail before it is rendered as the breadcrumb.
hook_menu_contextual_links_alter modules/system/system.api.php Alter contextual links before they are rendered.
hook_menu_delete modules/menu/menu.api.php Respond to a custom menu deletion.
hook_menu_get_item_alter modules/system/system.api.php Alter a menu router item right after it has been retrieved from the database or cache.
hook_menu_insert modules/menu/menu.api.php Respond to a custom menu creation.
hook_menu_link_alter modules/system/system.api.php Alter the data being saved to the {menu_links} table by menu_link_save().
hook_menu_link_delete modules/system/system.api.php Inform modules that a menu link has been deleted.
hook_menu_link_insert modules/system/system.api.php Inform modules that a menu link has been created.
hook_menu_link_update modules/system/system.api.php Inform modules that a menu link has been updated.
hook_menu_local_tasks_alter modules/system/system.api.php Alter tabs and actions displayed on the page before they are rendered.
hook_menu_site_status_alter modules/system/system.api.php Control site status before menu dispatching.
hook_menu_update modules/menu/menu.api.php Respond to a custom menu update.
hook_module_implements_alter modules/system/system.api.php Alter the registry of modules implementing a hook.
hook_modules_disabled modules/system/system.api.php Perform necessary actions after modules are disabled.
hook_modules_enabled modules/system/system.api.php Perform necessary actions after modules are enabled.
hook_modules_installed modules/system/system.api.php Perform necessary actions after modules are installed.
hook_modules_preenable modules/system/system.api.php Perform necessary actions before modules are enabled.
hook_modules_preinstall modules/system/system.api.php Perform necessary actions before modules are installed.
hook_modules_uninstalled modules/system/system.api.php Perform necessary actions after modules are uninstalled.
hook_node_access modules/node/node.api.php Controls access to a node.
hook_node_access_records modules/node/node.api.php Set permissions for a node to be written to the database.
hook_node_access_records_alter modules/node/node.api.php Alter permissions for a node before it is written to the database.
hook_node_delete modules/node/node.api.php Respond to node deletion.
hook_node_grants modules/node/node.api.php Inform the node access system what permissions the user has.
hook_node_grants_alter modules/node/node.api.php Alter user access rules when trying to view, edit or delete a node.
hook_node_insert modules/node/node.api.php Respond to creation of a new node.
hook_node_load modules/node/node.api.php Act on arbitrary nodes being loaded from the database.
hook_node_predelete modules/node/node.api.php Act before node deletion.
hook_node_prepare modules/node/node.api.php Act on a node object about to be shown on the add/edit form.
hook_node_presave modules/node/node.api.php Act on a node being inserted or updated.
hook_node_revision_delete modules/node/node.api.php Respond to deletion of a node revision.
hook_node_search_result modules/node/node.api.php Act on a node being displayed as a search result.
hook_node_submit modules/node/node.api.php Act on a node after validated form values have been copied to it.
hook_node_type_delete modules/node/node.api.php Respond to node type deletion.
hook_node_type_insert modules/node/node.api.php Respond to node type creation.
hook_node_type_load modules/node/node.api.php Respond to the loading of node types.
hook_node_type_update modules/node/node.api.php Respond to node type updates.
hook_node_update modules/node/node.api.php Respond to updates to a node.
hook_node_update_index modules/node/node.api.php Act on a node being indexed for searching.
hook_node_validate modules/node/node.api.php Perform node validation before a node is created or updated.
