backdrop_get_path |
includes/ |
Returns the path to a system item (module, theme, etc.). |
backdrop_get_path_alias |
includes/ |
Given an internal Backdrop path, return the alias set by the administrator. |
backdrop_get_private_key |
includes/ |
Ensures the private key variable used to generate tokens is set. |
backdrop_get_profile |
includes/ |
Gets the name of the currently active installation profile. |
backdrop_get_query_array |
includes/ |
Splits a URL-encoded query string into an array. |
backdrop_get_query_parameters |
includes/ |
Processes a URL query parameter array to remove unwanted elements. |
backdrop_get_schema |
includes/ |
Gets the schema definition of a table, or the whole database schema. |
backdrop_get_schema_unprocessed |
includes/ |
Returns the unprocessed and unaltered version of a module's schema. |
backdrop_get_schema_versions |
includes/ |
Returns an array of available schema versions for a module. |
backdrop_get_title |
includes/ |
Gets the title of the current page. |
backdrop_get_token |
includes/ |
Generates a token based on $value, the user session, and the private key. |
backdrop_get_updaters |
includes/ |
Assembles the Backdrop Updater registry. |
backdrop_get_user_timezone |
includes/ |
Returns the time zone of the current user. |
backdrop_goto |
includes/ |
Sends the user to a different page. |
backdrop_goto_deprecated |
includes/ |
Wraps backdrop_goto() to include a deprecated log message. |
backdrop_group_css |
includes/ |
Grouping callback: Groups CSS items by their types, media, and browsers. |
backdrop_group_js |
includes/ |
Default callback to group JavaScript items. |
backdrop_hash_base64 |
includes/ |
Calculates a base-64 encoded, URL-safe sha-256 hash. |
backdrop_hmac_base64 |
includes/ |
Calculates a base-64 encoded, URL-safe sha-256 hmac. |
backdrop_html_class |
includes/ |
Prepares a string for use as a valid class name. |
backdrop_html_id |
includes/ |
Prepares a string for use as a valid HTML ID and guarantees uniqueness. |
_backdrop_html_to_mail_urls |
includes/ |
Keeps track of URLs and replaces them with placeholder tokens. |
backdrop_html_to_text |
includes/ |
Transforms an HTML string into plain text, preserving its structure. |
_backdrop_html_to_text_clean |
includes/ |
Replaces non-quotation markers from a given piece of indentation with spaces. |
_backdrop_html_to_text_pad |
includes/ |
Pads the last line with the given character. |
backdrop_http_build_query |
includes/ |
Parses an array into a valid, rawurlencoded query string. |
backdrop_http_header_attributes |
includes/ |
Formats an attribute string for an HTTP header. |
backdrop_http_request |
includes/ |
Performs an HTTP request. |
_backdrop_http_use_proxy |
includes/ |
Helper function for determining hosts excluded from needing a proxy. |
backdrop_implode_tags |
includes/ |
Implodes an array of tags into a string. |
backdrop_installation_attempted |
includes/ |
Returns TRUE if a Backdrop installation is currently being attempted. |
backdrop_install_config_directories |
includes/ |
Creates the config directory and ensures it is operational. |
backdrop_install_mkdir |
includes/ |
Creates a directory with the specified permissions. |
backdrop_install_profile_distribution_name |
includes/ |
Loads the installation profile, extracting its defined distribution name. |
backdrop_install_schema |
includes/ |
Creates all tables defined in a module's hook_schema(). |
backdrop_install_system |
includes/ |
Installs the system module. |
_backdrop_invalid_token_set_form_error |
includes/ |
Helper function to call form_set_error() if there is a token error. |
backdrop_is_ajax |
includes/ |
Detects if this is an AJAX HTTP request. |
backdrop_is_apache |
includes/ |
Checks whether Backdrop is running under Apache. |
backdrop_is_background |
includes/ |
Stores if Backdrop is currently being executed in the background. |
backdrop_is_cli |
includes/ |
Detects whether the current script is running in a command-line environment. |
backdrop_is_dialog |
includes/ |
Detects if this is a dialog HTTP request. |
backdrop_is_front_page |
includes/ |
Check if the current page is the home page. |
backdrop_is_html |
includes/ |
Detects if this is an HTML HTTP request. |
backdrop_is_https |
includes/ |
Checks whether an HTTPS request is being served. |
backdrop_is_nginx |
includes/ |
Checks whether Backdrop is running under Nginx. |
backdrop_js_defaults |
includes/ |
Constructs an array of the defaults that are used for JavaScript items. |
backdrop_json_decode |
includes/ |
Converts an HTML-safe JSON string into its PHP equivalent. |
backdrop_json_decode_unicode |
includes/ |
Decode Unicode characters in JSON strings. |
backdrop_json_deliver |
includes/ |
Packages and sends the result of a page callback to the browser as JSON. |