Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Locationsort ascending Description
backdrop_site_offline includes/ Delivers a "site is under maintenance" message to the browser.
backdrop_not_found includes/ Delivers a "page not found" error to the browser.
backdrop_access_denied includes/ Delivers an "access denied" error to the browser.
_backdrop_parse_response_status includes/ Split an HTTP response status line into components.
_backdrop_version_compare_convert includes/ Converts a Backdrop version string into numeric-only version string.
backdrop_check_incompatibility includes/ Checks whether a version is compatible with a given dependency.
backdrop_parse_dependency includes/ Parses a dependency for comparison by backdrop_check_incompatibility().
backdrop_get_profile includes/ Gets the name of the currently active installation profile.
backdrop_set_breadcrumb includes/ Sets the breadcrumb trail for the current page.
backdrop_get_breadcrumb includes/ Gets the breadcrumb trail for the current page.
backdrop_get_logo_info includes/ Gets the path and dimensions of the site wide logo.
backdrop_get_logo includes/ Gets the site logo.
backdrop_get_favicon includes/ Gets the file location and mime type for site favicon.
backdrop_add_html_head includes/ Adds output to the HEAD tag of the HTML page.
_backdrop_default_html_head includes/ Returns elements that are always displayed in the HEAD tag of the HTML page.
backdrop_get_html_head includes/ Retrieves output to be displayed in the HEAD tag of the HTML page.
backdrop_add_feed includes/ Adds a feed URL for the current page.
backdrop_get_feeds includes/ Gets the feed URLs for the current page.
backdrop_get_query_parameters includes/ Processes a URL query parameter array to remove unwanted elements.
backdrop_get_query_array includes/ Splits a URL-encoded query string into an array.
backdrop_get_bare_domain includes/ Take a full URL and return only the bare domain, with sub-domains removed.
backdrop_http_build_query includes/ Parses an array into a valid, rawurlencoded query string.
backdrop_get_destination includes/ Prepares a 'destination' URL query parameter for use with backdrop_goto().
backdrop_parse_url includes/ Parses a system URL string into an associative array suitable for url().
cache_flush includes/ Flushes all cache items in a bin.
cache_set includes/ Stores data in the persistent cache.
cache_get_multiple includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache when given an array of cache IDs.
cache_get includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache.
cache includes/ Instantiates and statically caches the correct class for a cache bin.
cache_clear_all includes/ Clears data from the cache.
cache_is_empty includes/ Checks if a cache bin is empty.
language_types_get_default includes/ Returns a list of the built-in language types.
backdrop_base64_encode includes/ Returns a URL-safe, base64 encoded version of the supplied string.
backdrop_random_key includes/ Returns a URL-safe, base64 encoded string of highly randomized bytes (over the full 8-bit range).
backdrop_set_title includes/ Sets the title of the current page.
backdrop_get_title includes/ Gets the title of the current page.
backdrop_show_messages includes/ Determines whether or not messages should be shown on the current page.
backdrop_get_messages includes/ Returns all messages that have been set with backdrop_set_message().
backdrop_set_message includes/ Sets a message to display to the user.
watchdog includes/ Logs a system message.
watchdog_severity_enabled includes/ Check if logging is enabled for a given severity level.
watchdog_exception includes/ Logs an exception.
watchdog_deprecated_function includes/ Logs a deprecation warning.
request_uri includes/ Returns the equivalent of Apache's $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] variable.
backdrop_validate_utf8 includes/ Checks whether a string is valid UTF-8.
check_plain includes/ Encodes special characters in a plain-text string for display as HTML.
format_string includes/ Formats a string for HTML display by replacing variable placeholders.
t includes/ Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.
backdrop_unpack includes/ Unserializes and appends elements from a serialized string.
bootstrap_hooks includes/ Defines the critical hooks that force modules to always be loaded.
