Contains filters are case sensitive
Namesort descending Location Description
lock_release_all includes/ Release all previously acquired locks.
lock_wait includes/ Wait for a lock to be available.
map_month includes/ Renders a month name for display.
menu_admin_bar_map modules/admin_bar/ Implements hook_admin_bar_map() on behalf of Menu module.
menu_block_configure modules/menu/menu.module Implements hook_block_configure().
menu_block_info modules/menu/menu.module Implements hook_block_info().
menu_block_view modules/menu/menu.module Implements hook_block_view().
menu_block_view_alter modules/menu/menu.module Implements hook_block_view_alter().
_menu_build_tree includes/ Builds a menu tree.
menu_build_tree includes/ Builds a menu tree, translates links, and checks access.
menu_cache_clear includes/ Clears the cached data for a single named menu.
menu_cache_clear_all includes/ Clears all cached menu data.
_menu_check_access includes/ Checks access to a menu item using the access callback.
_menu_clear_page_cache includes/ Clears the page and block caches at most twice per page load.
menu_config_info modules/menu/menu.module Implements hook_config_info().
menu_contextual_links includes/ Retrieves contextual links for a path based on registered local tasks.
menu_custom_delete_submit modules/menu/ Submit function for the 'Delete' button on the menu editing form.
menu_default_route_handler includes/ Executes the current router item's page callback.
menu_delete modules/menu/menu.module Delete a custom menu and all contained links.
_menu_delete_item includes/ Deletes a single menu link.
menu_delete_links includes/ Deletes all links for a menu.
menu_delete_menu_confirm modules/menu/ Build a confirm form for deletion of a custom menu.
menu_delete_menu_confirm_submit modules/menu/ Delete a custom menu and all links in it.
menu_delete_menu_page modules/menu/ Menu callback; check access and get a confirm form for deletion of a custom menu.
menu_edit_item modules/menu/ Menu callback; Build the menu link editing form.
menu_edit_item_submit modules/menu/ Process menu and menu item add/edit form submissions.
menu_edit_item_validate modules/menu/ Validate form values for a menu link being added or edited.
menu_edit_menu modules/menu/ Menu callback; Build the form that handles the adding/editing of a custom menu.
menu_edit_menu_name_exists modules/menu/ Returns whether a menu name already exists.
menu_edit_menu_submit modules/menu/ Submit function for adding or editing a custom menu.
menu_enable modules/menu/menu.module Implements hook_enable().
menu_execute_active_handler includes/ Execute the page callback associated with the current path.
_menu_find_router_path includes/ Finds the router path which will serve this path.
menu_form_node_form_alter modules/menu/menu.module Implements hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter().
menu_form_node_type_form_alter modules/menu/menu.module Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
menu_get_active_breadcrumb includes/ Gets the breadcrumb for the current page, as determined by the active trail.
menu_get_active_menu_names includes/ Gets the active menu for the current page.
menu_get_active_title includes/ Gets the title of the current page, as determined by the active trail.
menu_get_active_trail includes/ Gets the active trail (path to root menu root) of the current page.
menu_get_ancestors includes/ Returns the ancestors (and relevant placeholders) for any given path.
menu_get_custom_theme includes/ Gets the custom theme for the current page, if there is one.
menu_get_item includes/ Gets a router item.
menu_get_menus modules/menu/menu.module Return an associative array of the custom menus names.
menu_get_object includes/ Gets a loaded object from a router item.
_menu_get_options modules/menu/menu.module Helper function to get the items of the given menu.
menu_get_router includes/ Gets the menu router.
menu_install modules/menu/menu.install Implements hook_install().
menu_item_delete_form modules/menu/ Build a confirm form for deletion of a single menu link.
menu_item_delete_form_submit modules/menu/ Process menu delete form submissions.
menu_item_delete_page modules/menu/ Menu callback; Check access and present a confirm form for deleting a menu link.
