1.20.x views_ui.test ViewsUIWizardTaggedWithTestCase::testTaggedWithByNodeType()

Tests that the "tagged with" form element only shows for node types that support it.


modules/views/tests/views_ui.test, line 366
Tests Views UI Wizard.


Tests the ability of the views wizard to create views filtered by taxonomy.


function testTaggedWithByNodeType() {
  // The tagging field is associated with one of our node types only. So the
  // "tagged with" form element on the view wizard should appear on the form
  // by default (when the wizard is configured to display all content) and
  // also when the node type that has the tagging field is selected, but not
  // when the node type that doesn't have the tagging field is selected.
  $tags_xpath = '//input[@name="show[tagged_with]"]';
  $view['show[type]'] = $this->node_type_with_tags->type;
  $this->backdropPost('admin/structure/views/add', $view, t('Update "of type" choice'));
  $view['show[type]'] = $this->node_type_without_tags->type;
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, $view, t('Update "of type" choice'));

  // If we add an instance of the tagging field to the second node type, the
  // "tagged with" form element should not appear for it too.
  $instance = $this->tag_instance;
  $instance['bundle'] = $this->node_type_without_tags->type;
  $view['show[type]'] = $this->node_type_with_tags->type;
  $this->backdropPost('admin/structure/views/add', $view, t('Update "of type" choice'));
  $view['show[type]'] = $this->node_type_without_tags->type;
  $this->backdropPost(NULL, $view, t('Update "of type" choice'));