1.20.x views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max.inc views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max::query()

Called to implement a relationship in a query. This is mostly a copy of our parent's query() except for this bit with the join class.

Overrides views_handler_relationship::query


modules/views/handlers/views_handler_relationship_groupwise_max.inc, line 332
Relationship for groupwise maximum handler.


Relationship handler that allows a groupwise maximum of the linked in table. For a definition, see: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/example-maximum-column-group-row.... In lay terms, instead of joining to get all matching records in the…


function query() {
  // Figure out what base table this relationship brings to the party.
  $table_data = views_fetch_data($this->definition['base']);
  $base_field = empty($this->definition['base field']) ? $table_data['table']['base']['field'] : $this->definition['base field'];


  $def = $this->definition;
  $def['table'] = $this->definition['base'];
  $def['field'] = $base_field;
  $def['left_table'] = $this->table_alias;
  $def['left_field'] = $this->field;
  if (!empty($this->options['required'])) {
    $def['type'] = 'INNER';

  if ($this->options['subquery_regenerate']) {
    // For testing only, regenerate the subquery each time.
    $def['left_query'] = $this->left_query($this->options);
  else {
    // Get the stored subquery SQL string.
    $cid = 'views_relationship_groupwise_max:' . $this->view->name . ':' . $this->view->current_display . ':' . $this->options['id'];
    $cache = cache('views_data')->get($cid);
    if (isset($cache->data)) {
      $def['left_query'] = $cache->data;
    else {
      $def['left_query'] = $this->left_query($this->options);
      cache('views_data')->set($cid, $def['left_query']);

  if (!empty($def['join_handler']) && class_exists($def['join_handler'])) {
    $join = new $def['join_handler'];
  else {
    $join = new views_join_subquery();

  $join->definition = $def;
  $join->adjusted = TRUE;

  // use a short alias for this:
  $alias = $def['table'] . '_' . $this->table;

  $this->alias = $this->query->add_relationship($alias, $join, $this->definition['base'], $this->relationship);