name = Taxonomy vocabulary interface
description = Test the taxonomy vocabulary interface.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy vocabularies
description = Test loading, saving and deleting vocabularies.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy term unit tests
description = Unit tests for taxonomy term functions.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Test for legacy node bug.
description = Posts a post with a taxonomy term and a date prior to 1970.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy term functions and forms
description = Test load, save and delete for taxonomy terms.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy RSS Content.
description = Ensure that data added as terms appears in RSS feeds if "RSS Category" format is selected.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy term index
description = Tests the hook implementations that maintain the taxonomy index.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy term multiple loading
description = Test the loading of multiple taxonomy terms at once
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy term hooks
description = Hooks for taxonomy term load/save/delete.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy term reference field
description = Test the creation of term fields.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Multiple vocabulary term reference field
description = Tests term reference fields that allow multiple vocabularies.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy token replacement
description = Generates text using placeholders for dummy content to check taxonomy token replacement.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy theme switching
description = Verifies that various taxonomy pages use the expected theme.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy EntityFieldQuery
description = Verifies operation of a taxonomy-based EntityFieldQuery.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy query tags
description = Verifies that taxonomy_term_access tags are added to queries.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Taxonomy multilingual support
description = Verifies that vocabularies and terms can have languages set.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy.test

name = Views taxonomy relationship
description = Tests the taxonomy term on node relationship handler for Views.
group = Taxonomy
file = taxonomy_views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.test

