1.20.x file.test FileCopyTest::testExistingError()

Test that copying over an existing file fails when FILE_EXISTS_ERROR is specified.


modules/simpletest/tests/file.test, line 2049
This provides SimpleTests for the core file handling functionality. These include FileValidateTest and FileSaveTest.


Copy related tests.


function testExistingError() {
  $contents = $this->randomName(10);
  $source = $this->createFile();
  $target = $this->createFile(NULL, $contents);
  $this->assertDifferentFile($source, $target);

  // Clone the object so we don't have to worry about the function changing
  // our reference copy.
  $result = file_copy(clone $source, $target->uri, FILE_EXISTS_ERROR);

  // Check the return status and that the contents were not changed.
  $this->assertFalse($result, 'File copy failed.');
  $this->assertEqual($contents, file_get_contents($target->uri), 'Contents of file were not altered.');

  // Check that the correct hooks were called.

  $this->assertFileUnchanged($source, file_load($source->fid));
  $this->assertFileUnchanged($target, file_load($target->fid));