block_admin_configure in modules/block/
Form constructor for the block configuration form.
CKEditorRtlTestCase::testRtlAdminIcons in modules/ckeditor/tests/ckeditor_rtl.test
Test that the CKEditor admin form works correnctly with RTL languages.
FilterEditorLinkValidateTestCase::testEditorLinkValidate in modules/filter/tests/filter_dialog.test
Check function _filter_format_editor_link_url_validate().
language_admin_add_predefined_form_validate in modules/language/
Element specific validator for the Add language button.
language_name in includes/
Produced the printed name for a language for display.
_locale_import_po in includes/
Parses Gettext Portable Object information and inserts it into the database.
locale_language_switcher_url in includes/
Return links for the URL language switcher block.
locale_preprocess_node in modules/locale/locale.module
Implements MODULE_preprocess_HOOK().
MenuLanguageTestCase::testMenuParentLanguage in modules/menu/tests/menu_language.test
Test menu item parents on form menu_edit_item.
MenuLanguageTestCase::testMenuParentLanguageNode in modules/menu/tests/menu_language.test
Test that the available parent menu items match on the node form.
ModuleUninstallTestCase::testUninstallLocale in modules/simpletest/tests/module.test
Tests that uninstalling locale does not cause problems.
redirect_list_table in modules/redirect/
Display a list of redirects. Used on forms when editing an entity.