ajax_footer in includes/ajax.inc
Performs end-of-Ajax-request tasks.
backdrop_bootstrap in includes/bootstrap.inc
Ensures Backdrop is bootstrapped to the specified phase.
backdrop_exit in includes/common.inc
Performs end-of-request tasks.
backdrop_get_complete_schema in includes/bootstrap.inc
Gets the whole database schema.
_backdrop_log_error in includes/errors.inc
Logs a PHP error or exception and displays an error page in fatal cases.
cron.php in ./cron.php
Handles incoming requests to fire off regularly-scheduled tasks (cron jobs).
drupal.inc in includes/drupal.inc
Contains constants and function wrappers for Drupal 7.x compatibility.
http.php in modules/simpletest/tests/http.php
Fake an HTTP request, for use during testing.
https.php in modules/simpletest/tests/https.php
Fake an HTTPS request, for use during testing.
install_bootstrap_full in includes/install.core.inc
Performs a full bootstrap of Backdrop during installation.
module_hook_info in includes/module.inc
Retrieves a list of hooks that are declared through hook_hook_info().
module_implements_write_cache in includes/module.inc
Writes the hook implementation cache.
update.php in ./update.php
Administrative page for handling updates from one Backdrop version to another.