Contains filters are case sensitive
Namesort descending Location Description
image_style_options modules/image/image.module Get an array of image styles suitable for using as select list options.
image_style_path modules/image/image.module Return the URI of an image when using a style.
image_style_path_token Deprecated modules/image/image.module This function was never included in Backdrop. See:
image_style_remove_allowed_uri modules/image/image.module Remove an image style URI from the whitelist.
image_style_revert_form modules/image/ Confirmation form to revert a database style to its default.
image_style_revert_form_submit modules/image/ Submit handler to convert an overridden style to its default.
image_styles modules/image/image.module Get an array of all styles and their settings.
image_style_save modules/image/image.module Save an image style.
image_style_save_allowed_uris modules/image/image.module Shutdown callback used to save the whitelist of requested image styles.
_image_style_token_image_attributes modules/image/ Helper function for getting all available image attributes.
image_style_transform_dimensions modules/image/image.module Determines the dimensions of the styled image.
image_style_url modules/image/image.module Return the URL for an image derivative given a style and image path.
image_system_file_system_settings_submit modules/image/image.module Submit handler for the file system settings form.
image_test_crop modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Image tookit's crop operation.
image_test_desaturate modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Image tookit's desaturate operation.
image_test_get_all_calls modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Get an array with the all the calls to the toolkits since image_test_reset() was called.
image_test_get_info modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Image toolkit's get_info operation.
image_test_image_toolkits modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Implements hook_image_toolkits().
image_test_load modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Image tookit's load operation.
_image_test_log_call modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Store the values passed to a toolkit call.
image_test_reset modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Reset/initialize the history of calls to the toolkit functions.
image_test_resize modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Image tookit's resize operation.
image_test_rotate modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Image tookit's rotate operation.
image_test_save modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Image tookit's save operation.
image_test_settings modules/simpletest/tests/image_test.module Image tookit's settings operation.
image_theme modules/image/image.module Implements hook_theme().
_image_token_generate_image modules/image/ Helper function to generate image style if does not exist.
_image_token_get_image_fields modules/image/ Helper function to find all image fields.
image_token_info modules/image/ Implements hook_token_info().
image_token_info_alter modules/image/ Implements hook_token_info_alter().
image_tokens modules/image/ Implements hook_tokens().
image_toolkit_invoke includes/ Invokes the given method using the currently selected toolkit.
image_uninstall modules/image/image.install Implements hook_uninstall().
image_update_1000 modules/image/image.install Provide default image styles for the Image module.
image_update_1001 modules/image/image.install Convert available database image styles to configuration files.
image_update_1002 modules/image/image.install Drop image tables that were converted to configuration files.
image_update_1003 modules/image/image.install Add labels to all available styles.
_image_update_1004 modules/image/image.install Helper function to update an image field or instance's default image.
image_update_1004 modules/image/image.install Update all image fields to use a static default image URI.
image_update_1005 modules/image/image.install Rename image config files.
image_update_1006 modules/image/image.install Add the configuration option for image_style_flood_limit.
image_update_1007 modules/image/image.install Update from Image size to more specific Image dimensions.
image_update_1008 modules/image/image.install Uninstall the imagecache_token contrib module, now part of core.
image_update_dependencies modules/image/image.install Implements hook_update_dependencies().
image_views_api modules/image/image.module Implements hook_views_api().
install_already_done_error includes/ Indicates that Backdrop has already been installed.
install_backdrop includes/ Installs Backdrop either interactively or via an array of passed-in settings.
install_begin_request includes/ Begins an installation request, modifying the installation state as needed.
install_bootstrap_full includes/ Performs a full bootstrap of Backdrop during installation.
install_check_requirements includes/ Checks installation requirements and reports any errors.
