Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Locationsort ascending Description
backdrop_serve_page_from_cache includes/ Sets HTTP headers in preparation for a cached page response.
backdrop_set_length_headers includes/ Set headers for content-length and content-range.
backdrop_page_header includes/ Sets HTTP headers in preparation for a page response.
backdrop_send_headers includes/ Sends the HTTP response headers that were previously set, adding defaults.
_backdrop_set_preferred_header_name includes/ Sets the preferred name for the HTTP header.
backdrop_get_http_header includes/ Gets the HTTP response headers for the current page.
backdrop_add_http_header includes/ Sets an HTTP response header for the current page.
backdrop_parse_info_format includes/ Parses data in Backdrop's .info format.
backdrop_parse_info_file includes/ Parses Backdrop module and theme .info files.
backdrop_load_backends includes/ Find and load all files for the requested backend type.
silkscreen_find_backends includes/ Scan the drivers directories for driver modules and load the class files for the type of backend requested. The supported types are 'config', 'cache', and 'database'.
backdrop_find_backends includes/ This is a wrapper for silkscreen_find_backends(), in case someone happened to call it.
silkscreen_driver_list includes/ Returns a list of objects decribing the installed drivers indexed by their machine names. Each of the driver objects includes the path to their info file, their machine name, and the contents of their info files.
backdrop_load includes/ Includes a file with the provided type and name.
bootstrap_invoke_all includes/ Invokes a bootstrap hook in all bootstrap modules that implement it.
backdrop_page_is_cacheable includes/ Determines the cacheability of the current page.
backdrop_page_get_cache includes/ Retrieves the current page from the cache.
state_del includes/ Unsets a persistent state value.
state_set includes/ Sets a persistent state value.
state_get includes/ Retrieves a "state" value from the database.
state_initialize includes/ Loads the persistent state table.
variable_del Deprecated includes/ Unsets a persistent variable.
variable_set Deprecated includes/ Sets a persistent variable.
variable_get Deprecated includes/ Returns a persistent variable.
settings_get includes/ Returns a site-wide setting, usually specified via the settings.php file.
variable_initialize Deprecated includes/ Loads the persistent variable table.
backdrop_get_filename includes/ Returns and optionally sets the filename for a system resource.
backdrop_settings_initialize includes/ Sets the base URL, cookie domain, and session name from configuration.
backdrop_is_nginx includes/ Checks whether Backdrop is running under Nginx.
backdrop_is_apache includes/ Checks whether Backdrop is running under Apache.
backdrop_is_https includes/ Checks whether an HTTPS request is being served.
backdrop_valid_http_host includes/ Validates that a hostname (for example $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) is safe.
backdrop_environment_initialize includes/ Initializes the PHP environment.
backdrop_override_server_variables includes/ Sets appropriate server variables needed for command line scripts to work.
find_conf_path includes/ Finds the appropriate configuration directory for a given host and path.
conf_path includes/ Returns the appropriate configuration directory.
timer_stop includes/ Stops the timer with the specified name.
timer_read includes/ Reads the current timer value without stopping the timer.
timer_start includes/ Starts the timer with the specified name.
backdrop_check_trusted_hosts includes/ Checks if a host matches the trusted host patterns in settings.php.
backdrop_clear_opcode_cache includes/ Invalidates a PHP file from any active opcode caches.
backdrop_check_memory_limit includes/ Compares the memory required for an operation to the available memory.
_backdrop_shutdown_function includes/ Executes registered shutdown functions.
backdrop_register_shutdown_function includes/ Registers a function for execution on shutdown.
backdrop_placeholder includes/ Formats text for emphasized display in a placeholder inside a sentence.
backdrop_is_background includes/ Stores if Backdrop is currently being executed in the background.
backdrop_is_dialog includes/ Detects if this is a dialog HTTP request.
backdrop_is_ajax includes/ Detects if this is an AJAX HTTP request.
backdrop_is_html includes/ Detects if this is an HTML HTTP request.
backdrop_is_cli includes/ Detects whether the current script is running in a command-line environment.
