Contains filters are case sensitive
Name Locationsort ascending Description
backdrop_render_page includes/ Renders the page, including the HTML, HEAD, and BODY tags.
backdrop_render includes/ Renders HTML given a structured array tree.
backdrop_render_children includes/ Renders children of an element and concatenates them.
_backdrop_flush_css_js includes/ Changes the dummy query string added to all CSS and JavaScript files.
render includes/ Renders an element.
hide includes/ Hides an element from later rendering.
show includes/ Shows a hidden element for later rendering.
backdrop_render_cache_get includes/ Gets the rendered output of a renderable element from the cache.
backdrop_render_cache_set includes/ Caches the rendered output of a renderable element.
backdrop_render_collect_attached includes/ Collects #attached for an element and its children into a single array.
backdrop_render_cache_by_query includes/ Prepares an element for caching based on a query.
backdrop_render_cid_parts includes/ Returns cache ID parts for building a cache ID.
backdrop_render_cid_create includes/ Creates the cache ID for a renderable element.
element_info includes/ Retrieves the default properties for the defined element type.
element_info_property includes/ Retrieves a single property for the defined element type.
backdrop_sort includes/ Sort an array based on user-provided keys within that array.
element_property includes/ Checks if the key is a property.
element_properties includes/ Gets properties of a structured array element (keys beginning with '#').
element_child includes/ Checks if the key is a child.
element_children includes/ Identifies the children of an element array, optionally sorted by weight.
element_get_visible_children includes/ Returns the visible children of an element.
element_set_attributes includes/ Sets HTML attributes based on element properties.
backdrop_array_get_nested_value includes/ Retrieves a value from a nested array with variable depth.
backdrop_array_diff_assoc_recursive includes/ Recursively computes the difference of arrays with additional index check.
backdrop_array_set_nested_value includes/ Sets a value in a nested array with variable depth.
backdrop_array_unset_nested_value includes/ Unsets a value in a nested array with variable depth.
backdrop_array_nested_key_exists includes/ Determines whether a nested array contains the requested keys.
backdrop_common_theme includes/ Provides theme registration for themes across .inc files.
backdrop_get_filetransfer_info includes/ Assembles the Backdrop FileTransfer registry.
backdrop_get_updaters includes/ Assembles the Backdrop Updater registry.
archiver_get_archiver includes/ Creates the appropriate archiver for the specified file.
archiver_get_extensions includes/ Returns a string of supported archive extensions.
archiver_get_info includes/ Retrieves a list of all available archivers.
backdrop_http_request includes/ Performs an HTTP request.
_backdrop_http_use_proxy includes/ Helper function for determining hosts excluded from needing a proxy.
_fix_gpc_magic includes/ Strips slashes from a string or array of strings.
_fix_gpc_magic_files includes/ Strips slashes from $_FILES items.
fix_gpc_magic includes/ Fixes double-escaping caused by "magic quotes" in some PHP installations.
valid_email_address includes/ Verifies the syntax of the given e-mail address.
valid_url includes/ Verifies the syntax of the given URL.
valid_number_step includes/ Verifies that a number is a multiple of a given step.
flood_register_event includes/ Registers an event for the current visitor to the flood control mechanism.
flood_clear_event includes/ Makes the flood control mechanism forget an event for the current visitor.
flood_is_allowed includes/ Checks whether a user is allowed to proceed with the specified event.
backdrop_install_schema includes/ Creates all tables defined in a module's hook_schema().
backdrop_uninstall_schema includes/ Removes all tables defined in a module's hook_schema().
tempstore_get includes/ Gets an object from the temp store.
backdrop_encode_path includes/ Encodes a Backdrop path for use in a URL.
backdrop_goto_deprecated includes/ Wraps backdrop_goto() to include a deprecated log message.
backdrop_goto includes/ Sends the user to a different page.
