jquery.ui.tabs.css |
misc/ui/jquery.ui.tabs.css |
* jQuery UI Tabs 1.12.1
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
* http://jquery.org/license
* http://api.jqueryui.com/tabs/#theming
.ui-tabs {
position:… |
jquery.ui.theme.css |
misc/ui/jquery.ui.theme.css |
* jQuery UI CSS Framework 1.12.1
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
* http://jquery.org/license
* http://api.jqueryui.com/category/theming/
* To view and… |
jquery.ui.theme.css |
themes/seven/css/jquery.ui.theme.css |
Seven styles for jQuery UI.
Overrides /misc/ui/ui.theme.css. |
jquery.ui.tooltip.css |
misc/ui/jquery.ui.tooltip.css |
* jQuery UI Tooltip 1.12.1
* http://jqueryui.com
* Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
* http://jquery.org/license
* http://api.jqueryui.com/tooltip/#theming
.ui-tooltip {
padding:… |
kg.php |
includes/transliteration/kg.php |
language.admin.inc |
modules/language/language.admin.inc |
Admin page callbacks for the Language module. |
language.api.php |
modules/language/language.api.php |
Hooks provided by the Language module. |
language.api.php |
modules/system/language.api.php |
Hooks provided by the base system for language support. |
language.inc |
includes/language.inc |
Language Negotiation API. |
language.info |
modules/language/language.info |
name = Language
description = Lets you configure a number of languages to be used on your website.
package = Translation
tags[] = Language
type = module
backdrop = 1.x
configure = admin/config/regional/language |
language.install |
modules/language/language.install |
Install, update and uninstall functions for the language module. |
language_layout_access.inc |
modules/layout/plugins/access/language_layout_access.inc |
Plugin to provide access control based upon the current site language. |
language.module |
modules/language/language.module |
Add language handling functionality to Backdrop. |
language.test |
modules/language/tests/language.test |
Tests for language.module. |
language.tests.info |
modules/language/tests/language.tests.info |
name = Language list configuration
description = Adds a new language and tests changing its status and the default language.
group = Language
file = language.test |
language.theme.inc |
modules/language/language.theme.inc |
Theme functions for the Language module. |
layout_access.inc |
modules/layout/plugins/access/layout_access.inc |
Class for loading, modifying, and saving a layout access rule (condition). |
layout.admin.css |
modules/layout/css/layout.admin.css |
/* Layout listing form. */
.layout-list .layout-group td {
background: #dddddd;
.layout-list .layout-group td:first-child {
font-weight: bold;
.layout-list .layout-row td:first-child {
padding-left: 24px;
.layout-list tr.disabled td {
… |
layout.admin.inc |
modules/layout/layout.admin.inc |
Admin page callbacks for the Layout module. |
layout.api.php |
modules/layout/layout.api.php |
Describe hooks provided by the Layout module. |
layout--boxton--front.tpl.php |
themes/basis/templates/layout--boxton--front.tpl.php |
Template for the Boxton layout. |
layout--boxton.tpl.php |
layouts/boxton/layout--boxton.tpl.php |
Template for the Boxton layout. |
layout.class.inc |
modules/layout/includes/layout.class.inc |
Class for loading, modifying, and executing a layout. |
layout-content-form.tpl.php |
modules/layout/templates/layout-content-form.tpl.php |
layout.context.admin.inc |
modules/layout/layout.context.admin.inc |
Administrative functions for custom layout contexts. |
layout_context.inc |
modules/layout/plugins/context/layout_context.inc |
Class that holds information relating to a layouts context. |
layout.css |
modules/layout/tests/layout_test/layout_test_layout/layout.css |
CSS for the three-three-four layout. |
layout.css |
themes/stark/layout.css |
Stark layout method |
layout.css |
themes/basis/css/layout.css |
Component Layout CSS and some Page layout overrides |
layout.exceptions.inc |
modules/layout/includes/layout.exceptions.inc |
Exceptions used by the Layout module. |
layout_flexible.class.inc |
modules/layout/includes/layout_flexible.class.inc |
Class that holds configuration for a flexible layout template configuration. |
layout.flexible.inc |
modules/layout/layout.flexible.inc |
Provides configurable (flexible) layout templates. |
layout--flexible.tpl.php |
modules/layout/templates/layout--flexible.tpl.php |
Template for a flexible template. |
layout--geary.tpl.php |
layouts/geary/layout--geary.tpl.php |
Template for the Geary layout. |
layout_handler.class.inc |
modules/layout/includes/layout_handler.class.inc |
Base classes used by all Layout handlers. |
layout--harris.tpl.php |
layouts/harris/layout--harris.tpl.php |
Template for the Harris layout. |
layout.info |
modules/layout/layout.info |
type = module
name = Layout
description = Provides a drag and drop page building tool.
package = Layouts
tags[] = Blocks
tags[] = Site Architecture
backdrop = 1.x
required = TRUE |
layout.install |
modules/layout/layout.install |
Install, update and uninstall functions for the Layout module. |
layout.layout.inc |
modules/layout/includes/layout.layout.inc |
Contains hook implementations Layout module provides for itself. |
layout--layout-test-layout.tpl.php |
modules/layout/tests/layout_test/layout_test_layout/layout--layout-test-layout.tpl.php |
Template for a test layout, very similar to the normal 2 column layout. |
layout_menu_item.class.inc |
modules/layout/includes/layout_menu_item.class.inc |
Class for storing information about menu item entries. |
layout.module |
modules/layout/layout.module |
The Layout module creates pages and wraps existing pages in layouts. |
layout--moscone-flipped.tpl.php |
layouts/moscone_flipped/layout--moscone-flipped.tpl.php |
Template for the Moscone Flipped layout. |
layout--moscone.tpl.php |
layouts/moscone/layout--moscone.tpl.php |
Template for the Moscone layout. |
layout.pages.inc |
modules/layout/layout.pages.inc |
Page callbacks for non-administrative pages of Layout module. |
layout_relationship.inc |
modules/layout/plugins/relationships/layout_relationship.inc |
Class that holds information relating to a layout's context relationships. |
layout_renderer_editor.inc |
modules/layout/plugins/renderers/layout_renderer_editor.inc |
Class file to control the main Layout editor. |
layout_renderer_flexible.inc |
modules/layout/plugins/renderers/layout_renderer_flexible.inc |
layout_renderer_standard.inc |
modules/layout/plugins/renderers/layout_renderer_standard.inc |
layout--rolph.tpl.php |
layouts/rolph/layout--rolph.tpl.php |
Template for the Rolph layout. |