Contains filters are case sensitive
File name Locationsort descending Namespace Description
tabledrag.css themes/basis/css/component/tabledrag.css Tabledrag styling.
teasers.css themes/basis/css/component/teasers.css Teasers styling.
vertical-tabs.css themes/basis/css/component/vertical-tabs.css Vertical tabs styling.
layout.css themes/basis/css/layout.css Component Layout CSS and some Page layout overrides
print.css themes/basis/css/print.css html.admin-bar body { padding-top: 0; } .tabs { display: none; } .l-header, .breadcrumb, .pager-first, .pager-previous, .pager-ellipsis, .pager-next, .pager-last, .pager-item { background: transparent; } .l-header…
skin.css themes/basis/css/skin.css Colors and appearance styles.
template.php themes/basis/template.php Basis preprocess functions and theme function overrides.
block--layout--hero.tpl.php themes/basis/templates/block--layout--hero.tpl.php Template for outputting the default block styling within a Layout.
block--system--powered-by.tpl.php themes/basis/templates/block--system--powered-by.tpl.php Template for outputting the default block styling within a Layout.
comment.tpl.php themes/basis/templates/comment.tpl.php Basis' theme implementation for comments.
header.tpl.php themes/basis/templates/header.tpl.php Display generic site information such as logo, site name, etc.
layout--boxton--front.tpl.php themes/basis/templates/layout--boxton--front.tpl.php Template for the Boxton layout.
theme-settings.php themes/basis/theme-settings.php Theme settings file for Basis.
phptemplate.engine themes/engines/phptemplate/phptemplate.engine Handles integration of PHP templates with the Backdrop theme system.
jquery.ui.theme.css themes/seven/css/jquery.ui.theme.css Seven styles for jQuery UI. Overrides /misc/ui/ui.theme.css.
responsive-tabs.css themes/seven/css/responsive-tabs.css /** * Styles for collapsible, responsive tabs. */ .responsive-tabs-processed { position: relative; } .responsive-tabs-processed ul.primary { height: 2.6em; overflow: hidden; } .responsive-tabs-mobile ul.primary { background:…
seven.base.css themes/seven/css/seven.base.css /** * Generic elements. */ body { color: #000; background: #fafafa; font: normal 16px/1.538 "Open Sans", "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif; } a, .link { color: #0074bd; text-decoration:…
style.css themes/seven/css/style.css /** * Blocks. */ .block { width: 100%; /* Clearfix */ content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } /** * Menus and lists. */ .block ul, .item-list ul { list-style-type: disc; list-style-image: none; margin: 0.25em 0…
vertical-tabs.css themes/seven/css/vertical-tabs.css /** * Override of misc/vertical-tabs.css. */ .vertical-tabs { position: relative; margin: 1em 0; border: 1px solid #ccc; background: #fff; } @media (min-width: 750px) { .vertical-tabs { padding: 0 0 0 15em; /* LTR */ } … themes/seven/css/ /** * The .seven.css file is intended to contain styles that override declarations * in the Seven admin theme. */ /* @group Content */ .views-ui-display-tab-bucket h1, .views-ui-display-tab-bucket h2, .views-ui-display-tab-bucket… themes/seven/ name = Seven description = The default administration theme for Backdrop CMS. version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = theme backdrop = 1.x stylesheets[screen][] = css/seven.base.css stylesheets[screen][] = css/style.css stylesheets[screen][] =…
template.php themes/seven/template.php Preprocess functions and theme function overrides for the Seven theme.
maintenance-page.tpl.php themes/seven/templates/maintenance-page.tpl.php
layout.css themes/stark/layout.css Stark layout method themes/stark/ name = Stark description = This theme demonstrates Backdrop CMS's default HTML markup and CSS styles. To learn how to build your own theme and override Backdrop's default code, see the <a…
update.php update.php Administrative page for handling updates from one Backdrop version to another.
