Contains filters are case sensitive
File name Location Namespacesort descending Description
messages.theme.css modules/system/css/messages.theme.css Status messages styling.
menu-toggle.theme.breakpoint.css modules/system/css/menu-toggle.theme.breakpoint.css CSS for the responsive menu toggle checkbox / button.
jquery.treetable.css modules/system/css/jquery.treetable.css table.treetable span.indenter { display: inline-block; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-align: right; /* Disable text selection of nodes (for better D&D UX) */ user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -moz-user-select: none; …
menu-dropdown.theme.breakpoint-queries.css modules/system/css/menu-dropdown.theme.breakpoint-queries.css /* Switch to desktop layout. ----------------------------------------------- These transform the menu tree from collapsible to desktop (navbar + dropdowns) -----------------------------------------------*/ /* @group It's not recommended to…
menu-dropdown.theme.breakpoint.css modules/system/css/menu-dropdown.theme.breakpoint.css .menu-dropdown { position: relative; } /* Undo system.theme.css menu styles for dropdowns. */ .menu-dropdown li, .menu-dropdown li.expanded, .menu-dropdown li.collapsed, .menu-dropdown li.leaf { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .js .menu-dropdown…
menu-toggle.theme.css modules/system/css/menu-toggle.theme.css /* * @file * CSS for the responsive menu toggle checkbox / button. */ /** * Menu toggle button */ .menu-toggle-button { position: relative; display: inline-block; text-indent: 28px; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; cursor:…
system.maintenance.css modules/system/css/system.maintenance.css /** * Update styles */ .update-results { margin-top: 3em; padding: 0.25em; border: 1px solid #ccc; background: #eee; font-size: smaller; } .update-results h2 { margin-top: 0.25em; } .update-results h4 { margin-bottom:…
token.css modules/system/css/token.css /** * Styles for displaying the token tree and dialog. */ /* Normally we would use a mobile-first media query, but in this case we only apply max-width on smaller screens. Max-width/max-height settings interfere with jQuery UI dialog resizing,…
menu-dropdown.theme.css modules/system/css/menu-dropdown.theme.css .menu-dropdown { position: relative; } /* Undo system.theme.css menu styles for dropdowns. */ .menu-dropdown li, .menu-dropdown li.expanded, .menu-dropdown li.collapsed, .menu-dropdown li.leaf { margin: 0; padding: 0; } .js .menu-dropdown…
seven.base.css themes/seven/css/seven.base.css /** * Generic elements. */ body { color: #000; background: #fafafa; font: normal 16px/1.538 "Open Sans", "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", sans-serif; } a, .link { color: #0074bd; text-decoration:…
style.css themes/seven/css/style.css /** * Blocks. */ .block { width: 100%; /* Clearfix */ content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } /** * Menus and lists. */ .block ul, .item-list ul { list-style-type: disc; list-style-image: none; margin: 0.25em 0…
ccc_installer_test.module modules/installer/tests/ccc_installer_test/ccc_installer_test.module Dummy module for testing Installer module. modules/installer/tests/ccc_installer_test/ name = CCC Installer test description = Support module for installer module testing. package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE type = module modules/installer/tests/bbb_installer_test/ name = BBB Installer test description = Support module for installer module testing. package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE type = module
system_cron_test.module modules/system/tests/system_cron_test.module Helper module for CronRunTestCase::testCronCacheExpiration(). modules/translation/views/ Definition of views_handler_field_node_translation_link. modules/translation/views/ Definition of views_handler_filter_node_tnid. modules/block/tests/ [BlockTestCase] name = Block functionality description = Add, edit and delete custom block. Configure and move a module-defined block. group = Block file = block.test [BlockTranslationTestCase] name = Block translation functionality description =… modules/translation/views/ Definition of views_handler_field_node_link_translate. modules/translation/views/ Provide node tnid argument handler. modules/translation/views/ Provide views data and handlers for translation.module. modules/translation/tests/ [TranslationTestCase] name = Translation functionality description = Create a page with translation, modify the page outdating translation, and update translation. group = Translation file = translation.test
config.admin.css modules/config/css/config.admin.css /** * CSS for the admin section of the Config module. */ .config-import-single-form textarea, .config-export-single-form textarea { font: 1.2em monospace; white-space: pre; } .config-diff .config-old, .config-diff .config-new { width:… modules/config/tests/ [ConfigurationTest] name = Configuration basic tests description = Tests writing and reading configuration files. group = Configuration file = config.test [ConfigurationHooksTest] name = Configuration hooks description = Tests hooks for validation,… modules/locale/views/ Definition of views_handler_field_locale_link_edit. modules/locale/views/ Definition of views_handler_filter_locale_language. modules/locale/views/ Definition of views_handler_field_locale_language.
views_handler_filter_equality.test modules/views/tests/handlers/views_handler_filter_equality.test Definition of ViewsHandlerFilterEqualityTest. modules/layout/includes/ Base classes used by all Layout handlers. modules/layout/includes/ Class that holds configuration for a flexible layout template configuration. modules/date/views/ Date API views argument handler. This argument combines multiple date arguments into a single argument where all fields are controlled by the same date and can be combined with either AND or OR. modules/layout/includes/ Exceptions used by the Layout module.
layout-content-form.tpl.php modules/layout/templates/layout-content-form.tpl.php
block-dynamic.tpl.php modules/layout/templates/block-dynamic.tpl.php Template for outputting the dynamic block styling within a Layout.
block.tpl.php modules/layout/templates/block.tpl.php Template for outputting the default block styling within a Layout. modules/layout/tests/ [LayoutInterfaceTest] name = Layout Interface Test description = Tests the interface for adding, removing, and moving blocks. group = Layout file = layout.test [LayoutBlockTest] name = Layout Block Test description = Tests the blocks title, content,… modules/locale/views/ Definition of views_handler_field_node_language. modules/filter/tests/ [FilterCRUDTestCase] name = Filter CRUD operations description = Test creation, loading, updating, deleting of text formats and filters. group = Filter file = filter.test [FilterAdminTestCase] name = Filter administration functionality description =…
layout_upgrade_database.php modules/layout/tests/layout_upgrade_database.php Database additions for Layout upgrade tests. Used in layout.test.
filter.admin.css modules/filter/css/filter.admin.css /** * Styles used when configuring a text format. */ #filter-order .filter-info { padding: 0 0 0 3em; white-space: normal; } [dir="rtl"] #filter-order .filter-info { padding: 0 3em 0 0; } #filter-order .disabled-row, #filter-order…
filter.css modules/filter/css/filter.css /** * Styles used when displaying a formatted_html field or rich text editor. */ .text-format-wrapper .form-item { margin-bottom: 0; } .text-format-wrapper .form-text { width: 100%; } .filter-wrapper { border-top: 0; margin: 0; padding:…
filter_formtest.module modules/filter/tests/filter_formtest.module Helper module for FilterEditorLinkValidateTestCase. modules/locale/views/ Definition of views_handler_field_locale_group.
filter.url-output.txt modules/filter/tests/filter.url-output.txt This is just a <a href=""></a>. paragraph with <a href=""></a>. some <a… modules/filter/tests/ name = 'Filter form test' description = 'Helper module to test filter form validation' package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE modules/date/views/ Date API views argument handler. modules/locale/views/ Definition of views_handler_filter_node_language. modules/date/views/ Date views pager plugin. modules/installer/tests/installer_test/ name = "Installer Browser module tests" description = "Support module for Installer Browser related testing." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module hidden = TRUE modules/installer/tests/aaa_installer_test/ name = AAA Installer test description = Support module for installer module testing. package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE type = module
