Contains filters are case sensitive
File name Location Namespacesort descending Description
update_d7_test_2.module modules/simpletest/tests/update_d7_test_2.module modules/simpletest/tests/ name = AJAX Test description = Support module for AJAX framework tests. package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Common Test" description = "Support module for Common tests." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x stylesheets[all][] = common_test.css stylesheets[print][] =… modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "System incompatible module version dependencies test" description = "Support module for testing system dependencies." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE ;…
token.test modules/simpletest/tests/token.test Test integration for the token module.
module_test.install modules/simpletest/tests/module_test.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the module_test module.
update_d7_test_1.install modules/simpletest/tests/update_d7_test_1.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the update_d7_test_1 module.
color.test modules/simpletest/tests/color.test Tests color conversion functions. modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "System incompatible core version dependencies test" description = "Support module for testing system dependencies." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE dependencies[] =…
batch_test.module modules/simpletest/tests/batch_test.module Helper module for the Batch API tests.
path_test.module modules/simpletest/tests/path_test.module Helper module for the path tests. modules/simpletest/tests/ type = module name = Early bootstrap tests description = A support module for hook_boot testing. backdrop = 1.x package = Testing version = VERSION hidden = TRUE
module.test modules/simpletest/tests/module.test Tests for the module API.
dependency_test3.module modules/simpletest/tests/dependency_test3.module
common_test_cron_helper.module modules/simpletest/tests/common_test_cron_helper.module Helper module for the testCronExceptions in addition to common_test module. modules/simpletest/tests/ type = module name = Early bootstrap tests description = A support module for hook_boot hook testing. backdrop = 1.x package = Testing version = VERSION hidden = TRUE modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Update test" description = "Support module for update testing." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
filetransfer.test modules/simpletest/tests/filetransfer.test
dependency_test2.module modules/simpletest/tests/dependency_test2.module
transliteration.test modules/simpletest/tests/transliteration.test modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Taxonomy test module" description = "Tests functions and hooks not used in core". package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE dependencies[] = taxonomy
requirements1_test.module modules/simpletest/tests/requirements1_test.module Tests that a module is not installed when it fails hook_requirements('install').
ajax_test.module modules/simpletest/tests/ajax_test.module Helper module for Ajax framework tests.
theme_test.template_test.tpl.php modules/simpletest/tests/theme_test.template_test.tpl.php modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "AJAX form test mock module" description = "Test for AJAX form calls." backdrop = 1.x package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module hidden = TRUE
file_test.module modules/simpletest/tests/file_test.module Helper module for the file tests.
file.test modules/simpletest/tests/file.test This provides SimpleTests for the core file handling functionality. These include FileValidateTest and FileSaveTest. modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Dependency test 3" description = "Test module for checking dependencies." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
update_test_1.module modules/simpletest/tests/update_test_1.module
database_test.test modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test Database tests. modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "FormAPI Test" description = "Support module for Form API tests." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x dependencies[] = file hidden = TRUE modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Hook menu tests" description = "Support module for menu hook testing." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
system.css modules/simpletest/tests/system.css /** * This file is for testing CSS file override in * CascadingStylesheetsTestCase::testRenderOverride(). * No contents are necessary. */ modules/simpletest/tests/ A file to test module_implements() loading includes.
system_incompatible_core_version_dependencies_test.module modules/simpletest/tests/system_incompatible_core_version_dependencies_test.module
batch.test modules/simpletest/tests/batch.test Tests for the Batch API.
standard.test modules/simpletest/tests/standard.test Tests for the Standard Installation Profile.
taxonomy_test.install modules/simpletest/tests/taxonomy_test.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the taxonomy_test module.
cache.test modules/simpletest/tests/cache.test modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Update D7 test" description = "Support module for update testing." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
error.test modules/simpletest/tests/error.test modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Error test" description = "Support module for error and exception testing." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
boot_test_2.module modules/simpletest/tests/boot_test_2.module Defines a hook_config_info() implementation in a non-"bootstrap" module. modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Dependency test 2" description = "Test module for checking dependencies." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
token_test.module modules/simpletest/tests/token_test.module Helper module for token tests.
password.test modules/simpletest/tests/password.test Provides unit tests for
dependency_test1.module modules/simpletest/tests/dependency_test1.module
actions.test modules/simpletest/tests/actions.test Tests for checking the actions system within Backdrop.
theme.test modules/simpletest/tests/theme.test Tests for the theme API.
boot_test_1.module modules/simpletest/tests/boot_test_1.module Tests calling module_implements() during hook_boot() invocation.
