1.20.x schema.inc public DatabaseSchema_mysql::tableExists($table)

Check if a table exists.


$table: The name of the table in Backdrop (no prefixing).

Return value

TRUE if the given table exists, otherwise FALSE.:

Overrides DatabaseSchema::tableExists


drivers/database_mysql/schema.inc, line 519
Database schema code for MySQL database servers.




public function tableExists($table) {
  // The information_schema table is very slow to query under MySQL 5.0.
  // Instead, we try to select from the table in question.  If it fails,
  // the most likely reason is that it does not exist. That is dramatically
  // faster than using information_schema.
  // @link http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=19588
  // @todo: This override should be removed once we require a version of MySQL
  // that has that bug fixed.
  try {
    $this->connection->queryRange("SELECT 1 FROM {" . $table . "}", 0, 1);
    return TRUE;
  catch (Exception $e) {
    return FALSE;